Chapter 93: Do not let her wait

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Master Zhi didn't pay any attention to the two security guards, he scanned the hallway until his eyes landed on the beautiful young lady.

Seeing Lisa waiting patiently, he couldn't help but get excited.

Changing his aura into a different person, a wide and happy grin rose on his face, "Young Miss!"

Lisa glanced at Master Zhi and noded her head, walking towards the middle age man, she smile faintly, but politely, "Uncle Zhi."

The masculine guard felt as if lightning had just strike him. Just who is Master Zhi? The man was a well known figure amongst the wealthy families in Imperial. Getting on the man's good side was a blessing. Everyone knows that he only respects very few people.

Yet, at this very moment, he is showing nothing but respect to the woman. Not just that, Master Zhi even personally came out to greet her!

Just like the masculine guard, the skinner guard thought the same thing.

Looking at Lisa, the middle age man felt nervous, but he still let out a chuckle and bowed, "Please excuse this lowly subordinate for not coming out to welcome you. If I had known young Miss was visiting, I would have made preparations in advance."

Lisa smiled, "No need."

Seeing Lisa's smile, Uncle Zhi felt a slight chill crawl on his skin. He could never tell if that smile of hers was genuine or...

Turning his head to the two guards, he glared at them.

"Next time, don't make the same mistake. If Young Miss visits again, do not let her wait."


Both guards were now dumbfounded. The beautiful woman who appeared out of no where is actually someone they couldn't offend. Did that mean... their job...

Lisa watched things unfold and shook her head. The uncle Zhi now was still the same as back then.

"Its alright, Uncle Zhi. They were only doing their job. Besides, no need to be formal, I am no longer the young Miss. Just Miss Kim now."

Hearing Lisa's words, both the security guards sighed in relief. Good thing Lisa has a heart of gold, or else she would of made a scene to get them fired.

But one thing still bothered them, why is Master Zhi calling her young Miss?

"Mm..." Uncle Zhi nod his head and sighed, then he gestures to Lisa, "Come child, I just received some new shipments. You can take your time to look around if there's anything of your interest."

Uncle Zhi placed both hands behind and thought to himself as he guided Lisa through the metal doors. Even if he is highly influential in Imperial, Kim Lisa is the one person he cannot offend. Nor will he ever.


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