chapter 8

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viii. interruption

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Kitana was currently in her room, sifting through her closet to find something she could wear to the party. It had to be flattering, attention-grabbing, and short. She was so used to wearing her uniform or some kind of sweatpants that she couldn't remember the last time she wore a pretty dress. All the more reason to wear one tonight. 

Her options were endless and limited at the same time. "Too long, too small, too funeral, too birthday cake, too big, too..." Her eyes landed on a simple black dress that looked like it would reach her mid-thigh. It was tight around the waist and then flowed into a beautiful and full skirt.

She took it off the hanger and walked over to her mirror, where she changed into her dress of choice. It fit her perfectly, showing just the right amount of curves.

Marcus was gonna flip.

She started applying a little bit of makeup when a light knock on the door startled her, making her smudge her mascara.

"Shit! Who's there?" She yelled. The voice on the other door mumbled something but by the pitch of their voice, she knew it was Billy. As she grabbed a Q-tip she yelled, "It's open!"

He walked into her room, his usual smile plastered onto his face before he whistled. She stood up to greet him with a hug but he held out his arms, stopping her. "Turn around." 

"What? Why?" Confusion seeped into her voice and her eyebrows furrowed at his command.

"I mean like- Spin! That's the word!" He grinned proudly and she just now understood what he wanted from her. He wanted to see her dress. She laughed softly before spinning around once.

"Damn Ki, if I knew you cleaned up that well, I would've locked you in my room ages ago. Maybe my laundry would finally vanish from my floor." 

She started laughing and slapped him on his shoulder. "Ready?"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

She looked down at the crinkled paper that lay in the smooth palm of her hand. Shabnam's messy handwriting has made it a little bit harder to get to his house but they could hear the music from a mile away so they managed.

She could make out Marcus who was standing in front of the house, hands in the pockets of his jacket, looking into the house. How long has he been standing there for? Lex stood right next to him, looking at her wide-eyed.

"Ahhh the legacy coming to grace us with her presence! Uuuh and all dolled up for me I see." Lex shouted in Kitana's and Billy's direction, throwing his arms up in excitement.

"Not for you Lex!" She smirked. Marcus turned around and as soon as he caught sight of her, his jaw dropped.


A breeze blew and she instinctively hugged herself because she didn't bring a jacket. It had been such a warm day but now her forearms were clad with goosebumps and her cheeks turned crimson from the cold.

Marcus immediately took off his jacket and when Kitana was close enough and the group started walking into the house, he draped his jacket over her shoulders, still not saying a word. 

She gave him a grateful smile but it quickly turned into a smirk. "Well thank you but what's up with you? Cat got your tongue, Arguello?"

By now she had noticed what her saying his last name did so she liked to toy with him. What she didn't expect though, was him leaning down and whispering, "You look great Kitana."

kitana | marcus lopez arguelloTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon