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San Francisco 1977

And there she was, in the middle of a rainy night, knocking on the door of King's Dominion. She waited patiently for a moment until a surprised-looking, middle-aged man opened the door, his eyes settling on the little girl facing him.

He recognized her but at the same time, he didn't. He was certain, he had seen her features somewhere but...where? The child started speaking and suddenly, it hit him.

"Hello, Uncle Lin."

His best friends' daughter.

He was baffled but his calm demeanor remained. "Hello Kitana, what are you doing here so late? Shouldn't you be in bed..?"

Kitana had been her nickname for as long as she could remember. Not only by family members but also by everyone else, making other people think it was her actual name.

Lin took a look around his surroundings, noticing thast nobody else was in his line of sight. "You're not alone, are you?"

She just pointed to the alleyway to his right and didn't say a word. You could see that she was shivering and that she looked slightly scared. He took her little hand in hers and asked, "Do you want to show me?"

She mumbled something incoherently and looked at her tiny feet before Lin softly grabbed her hand and sighed, "Come on, we're gonna look for Mummy and Daddy, okay?"

The little girl nodded her head vigorously before they slowly started wandering around, looking for her parents. Lin asked her to lead the way, which made them end up in front of a small alley.

The narrow walls were splattered with blood, smeared handprints and droplets adorning it. But blood was not the only thing that was scattered across the pathway. In the middle of it were two bodies.

A male and a female.

Even from afar you could see the gashes and wounds covering their limp bodies. Small sniffles were heard and Lin looked down at his best friends' daughter. Tiny little droplets were running down her crimson cheeks and he quickly reached down to brush them away.

"Kitana look at me, do you know how this happened?", he asked in a low voice. She slightly shook her head, eyes still fixated on the massacred bodies of her parents.

He lightly lifted her chin, making the girl look up at her "uncle". He knew she didn't have anyone else so he promptly decided, "Well I guess from now on it's just you and me... You can live with me and your Aunt Shu. Is that okay with you?"

The girl rapidly nodded her head, a smile taking over her face. He nodded once before grabbing her small hand and leading her back to King's Dominion.

Kitana was quite tired and probably a little freaked out over seeing her parents dead so Lin decided to show her the three most important rooms and keeping the rest for the next day.

After carrying her frail body up the ginormous staircase, he slowly set her back down. They were stood in front of a hallway that led to three different rooms.

"Okay so the left one is yours for now, tomorrow we're going to drive to your old house and get all of your things. The one in the middle is a bathroom, which you can use and the right door is mine. For now we'll stay here until we have collected all of your stuff."

Her eyes settled on the three doors that Lin just mentioned before she looked back up again, muttering, "Thank you Uncle Lin, for letting me stay"

Her hand reached up to rub her tired little eyes. "Of course, Kitana. Now go get ready, it's already very late and you're in desperate need of some sleep. Like I said, if you need anything just knock. While you go get ready, I'll call Aunt Shu. When you're ready just yell and I'll come say good night."

The little girl immediately padded over to the bathroom while Lin made his way over to the telephone mounted on the wall.

"Shu, my love. Something happened to Kyoshi and Amelia. Yes, my love, Kitana is with me right now. She's safe don't worry. Do you think she could," A smile took over his face. "Yes, thank you my love. Have a good night."

Even though this...situation... was tough, he couldn't help but smile to himself about the little ray of sunshine brushing her teeth in his bathroom. He seemed to know how much of an impact the little girl would have on his and the life of his wife.

[word count 743]



Hey guys! I have decided to start writing stories (or just this one for now)! I have to say a few things though:

I am not a native speaker, bilingual or whatsoever so if you see me making mistakes or mess up my spelling, please tell me in the comments and I'll try and edit it.

Also the chapters will get progressively longer and I'll try to upload them regularly.

As already said, I will probably not go along the plot of the show completely, BUT I'll add some events that happened, here and there.

If you have any suggestions how to make it better or a trope you would like to read about, you can always comment :)

That was it, I hope you enjoy reading "kitana" :)

stay safe and lots of love,

- m <33

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