chapter 6

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vi. bloody hell

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"Had she been crying?"  Worry clouded Marcus' mind and when he took a step forward to get a better look, Kitana took a step back and shut the door, locking him out.

"Hey!" He banged his fists against the door, jumping when she ripped it open again. She wore a scowl on her face but Marcus was persistent in finding out why she had been crying.

"What is it with you?!" She had grown annoyed now, just wanting the boy to leave. She hoped it wasn't evident that she had been crying for the past half hour since she hadn't looked in the mirror before opening the door.

He didn't only want to apologize but also ask her about the fire-spectacle he saw but as soon as she opened the door in that state, his mind just completely blanked. He suddenly felt the strong urge to take her into his arms.

Wait what? Nono no, he did not want that, he wanted to apologize and immediately go back to his room. Or did he?

"I came to apologize for my comment earlier," He raised his hand to rub his neck but she could only focus on the outline of his bicep bulging through the fabric of his sweater. "It was wrong of me to assume-"

A laugh bubbled out of Kitana and she slapped a surprised hand to her mouth. Marcus looked shocked as well but she quickly began, "Just shut up dude, it's fine, seriously." She gave him another smile that made his insides heat up.

He felt his own smile grow and pride swelled in his chest as he realized he made her smile after a low. A look into Kitana's head would tell him that she was glad about it too, she was surprised... but glad... and that was what counted in the end.

An awkward silence followed and Marcus rubbed his neck once again. Seemed to be a nervous habit... "Right..." he muttered. Looking up, he saw Kitana lean against the door frame, holding the door, a smirk on her face once again. He kind of liked the view but... he would never admit that.

She let out a sweet chuckle, "Good night Arguello, see you in the morning." The familiar Spanish accent made Marcus' insides flutter and... his pants tighten.

"Shit, again?! This can't be happening right now." He thought to himself, trying to keep a neutral expression.

He gave her a stiff nod, muttering something that sounded like a good night before turning around and striding back into the direction of the boys' dorms. Lin found Marcus a temporary place to sleep before he found him a roommate. That place just so happened to be the janitor's closet between the two dorm-corridors that seperated boys and girls.

Entering his "room" he dropped onto his bed, tired out of his mind. Whilst he changed into some pyjamas his mind went back to Kitana. How did she put that dumpster on fire? And most importantly how did she always manage to give him a boner by just speaking?! Even though Marcus' head was quite busy, searching for answers, sleep came over him very soon, leaving him to dream about her.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The next morning, Kitana had awoken to the beautiful sound of a...blaring alarm clock. She regained her composure, getting up and getting herself ready to meet Petra, Lex and Billy at the graveyard. It was somewhat their morning ritual. She joins them there, practices her fire tricks while they're smoking a spliff talking about god, life and whatever kind of shit their mind is occupied with.

kitana | marcus lopez arguelloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora