We're Live In 3.. 2.. 1..

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I went to bed so late last night. I could sleep. I tossed and turned. I know something I shouldn't. I know important information that could make or break this case. I know too much. I feel heavy chested. I'm anxious. Then I realize that I am not at fault. Nothing bad can happen if I just tell the truth. It's not like I'm pinning this on anyone yet. I'm just putting down new information. I can't help that I know too much. So I exhale and I talk myself out of my panic attack.

I get up and shower. It's currently 4 a.m. and there's no going back to sleep. I have to be at the news station in two hours anyways. I shower and get out. It's fall. I want to look professional while staying comfy and warm. While I think about it, I do my makeup and hair. My makeup is super natural. I rarely wear a glamorous look. I tend to wear simple and basic stuff and will do eyeshadow or eyeliner here and there. It's just easier and I don't think glam looks good on me 24/7. It looks better when I wear it on occasion. It's also just my opinion and personal preference. ANYWAYS, then I curl my hair. It looks gorgeous and my auburn curls sit beautifully on my shoulder. I decide last minute to wear some eyeshadow. My eyes are a blue-ish/green-ish so purple or pink looks good with them. I decide on a dusty rose color for my eye shadows and I do a light coat so that I don't look like a pink eyed raccoon. Because trust me, I'd be the one girl to look a fool on television. Not in a I'm-so-different way. Just in a I-tend-to-have-bad-luck-way. So I do a light coat of eyeshadow and then do a tiny wing of eyeliner. It's looks gorgeous and professional. Nothing too crazy. I personally love it. Now, I decide on my outfit.

I opt for a simple white blouse with a gorgeous forest green pant

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I opt for a simple white blouse with a gorgeous forest green pant. It's gorgeous. It's clean. It's professional. It's perfect. It's 5 already so I head to my coffee shop as usual to get a caramel iced coffee. When I get there, it's already paid for and ready. "That's odd." I mumble to myself. I brush it off as maybe my professor had remembered and wanted to do something to celebrate this big win for me. Or maybe it was one of my friends. I don't have any classes with my friends this semester and I doubt I'll have any with them next semester, but I mean they still know my routines. I don't know. It's nothing big so I brush it off and thank the barista. I tip her 5 dollars and walk out. I head to the news station. I get there almost an hour early which they lived bc they touched up my makeup and hair. They went over what I need to do and all the fun jazz. I was so nervous. I have so much to share and it's so wild how much everything will change after this knowledge.

"Okay, so it's go time." The news reporter smiled at me. "You've got this girl."

I take a deep breath, "I'm ready when you are." I sit up straight and throw a smile on.

"Atta girl," she says.

"Okay we're alive in" the camera man says, "3.." my heart is beating out of my chest, "2.." I can't breathe, "and 1.. you're live!"

"Good morning and welcome to Channel 4 news. Today we have a very special guest who will be filling us in on a very important discovery that, she herself, has made." The news reporter looks at me, "So let's welcome Taylor Mae."

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