Part 23

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Water splashing sound was heard as YeoJun threw a whole bucket of water at Taehyung. He woke up abruptly and shook his head.

"what the fu-" Tae was cut off by YeoJun who threw another bucket of water at him.

"Mr. Kim shouldn't curse." YeoJun said with a smile which seemed too fake.

Taehyung stayed silent staring at the floor. Eunseo also woke up hearing the noice.

"Mr. Kang sent me to ask you if you've decided what to do." YeoJun said.

"The decision is mine why are you disturbing him?" Eunsei said coldly interrupting them.

"haha. Ms. Yoon is really funny." YeoJun said.

"what is your name?" Eunseo asked.

"huh?" YeoJun asked confused.

"Are you deaf? I asked what's you name?" Eunseo asked with an annoyed face.

"unbelievable. You don't remember my name? You really forgot me?" he said faking a sad face.

"You think I'm a little bitch like you who only remembers shits?" Eunseo said with a 'duh' face.

"woahh!" Taehyung said with an amazed face.

"doesn't bitch stand for girl dog? Do you think I am a girl?" YeoJun asked with a disgusted face.

"first of all it's not called 'girl dog' it's 'female bitch and second your behaviors and you were always like girls plus you're really a dog so yup you're technically a bitch." she ended with a fake tight smile.

"slayyed gurl!" Tae again complimented from side.

"shut up!" YeoJun shouted.

"wae? Weren't you curious about yourself?... Really you haven't changed at all. You were just like this in the university and turned out to be be in a profession just like your personality. Nice, nice" Tae said giving a thumbs up with his tied hand.

"why should I? I love the way I am so why to change myself?"

"tch tch. what did we even expect? A little bitch will always be a little bitch" Eunseo scoffed And Tae sticked his tongue out at YeoJun.

a little giggle was heard from the side and everyone's attention diverted to it.

It was Jimin. His lips pressed together to prevent himself from laughing yet his eyes were laughing. "please go on I'm enjoying the show." he said trying hard not to let his laugh out.

"are you for real? How can you even laugh in this situation. Aren't you afraid that we might kill you?" The Idiot YeoJun asked.

"who's even afraid of a little bitch?" Jimin said and Tae broke into laughter.

"shut up you bitches." YeoJun shouted again but who cared?

"we ain't your mirror that you're calling us bitch. The real bitch is none but you and your so called boss." Eunseo snapped back but this time YeoJun just slapped her.

"enough!" His face red from anger or embarrassment or whatever.

"You! Motherfcker I'm gonna cut every inch of your hands and feed them to dogs. How dare you touch my friend!" the tiger like Tae roared and struggled again to free himself.

"there's no use. You can't do it. After all you're just like your brother. Powerless and  idiot" YeoJun said laughing.

"who the fuck are you to even call him those! You don't even know him!" Taehyung said tearing up again but controlled himself from being weak infront of his enemy.

"do you?" YeoJun asked raising his eyebrow. "You're talking like you know your brother but you don't even know anything about him."

"Yes I don't know him but I know that he's a good person. He's not a coward like you think!"

"You're really childish. Your brother is the biggest coward. if not then why didn't he come back or stand for himself. He didn't even try to prove Mr. Kang wrong and accepted that he was your father's murderer."

'the hell?' Jimin who was curiously hearing the conversation thought to himself.

"what the heck are you talking about! My father died in a road accident. And why the fuck will my brother kill him? Why would he kill his own father? And from where did this Mr. Kang even come?" this time his eyes couldn't bear the weight of his tears as they rolled down his cheeks to neck.

"oh please don't act innocent. Your brother was blamed for killing your father and that is why your family kicked him out. That time he just accepted that he's the murderer. Do you think I'm a fool to believe that you don't remember such an incident?"

'why does the story sound so familiar?' Jimin thought frowning.

Tae stayed silent for some moments. "You're lying. I don't remember anything like that." he whispered looking down.

"I'm not." YeoJun said calmly.

"Yes you are! From what I remember, Seokjin oppa was the kindest person I had ever seen. He could never kill uncle infact uncle died in a road accident." Eumseo also protested this time.

"then why do you think your mother kicked him out? Without a reason?" YeoJun asked pointing Tae.

They went speechless. Actually, why did Ms. Kim kick her elder son out?

"you were small and that is why they hid it from you two. They didn't want you to know that you're close to a murderer." said YeoJun.

"you dare call him murderer once more." Tae said. His teeth gritted so hard that they could come out.

"however, you have time until tomorrow morning. It's your choice if you want to die or live." YeoJun said as he turned to go but stopped again. "oh my God I almost forgot about you Mr. Park. Really sorry Actually I'm too busy nowadays. So, how're things going?" he asked with the same fake smile.

"believe me. It was going really good but I woke up seeing your face and that is why they're not going too well. Actually I'm not used to see little bitches after waking up." Jimin said shaking his head with a sympathized look to YeoJun.

"Man I don't know who you are but I gotta say you're really cool!" Eunseo shouted from the background.

Jimin gave a wide smile to her before winking and looking back at YeoJun. "I know why you brought me here but lemme tell you in advance that you're gonna fail so bad."

"and how are you so sure?" YeoJun asked raising an eyebrow.

"let's not spoil the fun." Jimin replied with a smirk.

"whatever go to hell." YeoJun said rolling his eyes.

"that place is full of little bitches so that should be your place. Why are you telling me to go there?" Jimin said with a disgusted look as Yeojun rolled his eyes again.

"your eyes should be put in the place of generators in a factory they keep on rolling maybe then you can be in some profit of the government." Jimin said as the other two laughed.

YeoJun gave up and turned towards Eunseo. "I'm warning you last time. Choose one, Yoon Ella or Kim Taehyung and yourself." YeoJun said before storming out of the room.

'Kim...Taehyung?' Jimin thought again and looked at Taehyung's face. Well it looked more like he's trying to find something..... On his face?

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