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"SIRIUS!" Harry screamed. He was angry at Bellatrix, so he struggled out of Lupin's grasp and ran after her.

Percy followed.

"CRUCIO!" Harry screamed. It hit her, but she barely flinched.

"You've got to mean it!" Hissed Bellatrix.

"No, Harry," Percy warned. "Don't."

"Why?!" Harry snapped.

"That's why," Percy pointed behind Harry. Standing over Bellatrix was Lord Voldemort himself. "Run!"

The boys his behind the statues in the middle of the room. Suddenly, Dumbledore was there, fighting Voldemort. The statues came to life, and Percy climbed one, shooting spells at Voldemort. Glass shattered in the room, and he sent it towards Percy, Harry, and Dumbledore. But when the glass hit them, all it was was dust. Percy glanced at the headmaster, who just replied with a slight smile.

That's when Harry started writhing on the ground. Voldemort was using Harry's memories against him, turning them dark and cold.

"You're weak," Voldemort hissed, and Percy could hear it clearly in his own mind.

"You've lost old man," Harry spoke in a high, evil voice. But it wasn't his voice. Voldemort was trying so hard to hurt Harry that he thought it would make Dumbledore just kill him.

But Harry was strong. And so was Percy, who fought off Voldemort by sending happy thoughts, though they did not do well. It only relieved Harry slightly.

Dumbledore kept muttering words of hope to Harry, but it barely seemed to work. Finally, Harry made himself still, and he

"You're the weak one," Harry finally choked out. "And you'll never know love....or friendship. And I feel sorry for you!"

Harry fell to the ground with a big sigh, a black must escaping his body. Voldemort stood over his body, a look of disgust and envy on his snake-like face.

Everyone from the Ministry arrived just as Voldemort disappeared, but not before being seen by Minister Fudge.

"He's back!"

"No shit, Sherlock," Percy snapped under his breath.

Percy Jackson Teaches At HogwartsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu