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Percy actually liked being a Professor.

Surprising, right?

He loved magic.

But it also had it's downs. Since his arrival at Hogwarts, a sort of connection formed between Percy and Harry. They shared the same dreams-nightmares, more so-and he would receive searing pains on his forehead. Of course, due to Harry and his friends already being suspicious with him being an American teenage Professor, he ignored it. It hurt, but Percy thought that after going to Tartarus and back, he would be ready for anything.

Boy, was he wrong.

It was Christmas break, and he woke up in the middle of the night again, scared out of his mind.

Running to Dumbledore's office, Percy thought of his dream.

He was the snake! He attacked this red-headed man, and didn't know why. Just as he made it to the door, Percy barged in and realized that there was already a group of students, including Harry and Ron.

"Dumbledore! Oh-" Percy stopped in his tracks.

Harry looked terrible, his shirt soaked with sweat, his body twitching.

"Yes, Professor Jackson?" Dumbledore eyed Percy, suspicious that he had yet another dream.

"Um....N-Never mind, sir," Percy stuttered. "It looks like you've gotten everything handled."

"Very well," Dumbledore responded. Harry and the Weasleys eyed him curiously, wondering why Percy was so panicked that he had to barge into Dumbledore's office.

"Go check Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore asked one of the portraits, who gladly wandered out of the painting and into an unknown place.

Dumbledore, McGonnagal, and everyone else were speaking to each other.

"Sir," Harry tried. Dumbledore kept on talking, looking out of the corner of his eye at Harry.


"Professor Dumbledore-"


"LOOK AT ME!" Harry screamed. The room went silent. "What's going on with me?"

The door opened and Snape entered, his black cloak billowing behind him.

He looked from the terrified face of Harry, to Dumbledore's cautious and worried face, then to Percy's wide eyes, who also looked quiet scared.

"You sent for me?" Snape questioned in his low, nasally voice. His greasy black hair hung in his face like curtains, his crooked nose, dark eyes, and thin lips the only thing you could see.

"Yes," Dumbledore answered. "Harry has no more time to waste. You must do it now."

And with that, Harry was whisked away, Snape pinching the boy's arm and dragging him down into the dungeon. They entered Snape's office, and Harry was thrown into a chair, beginning his first lesson of occlumency.

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