Chapter 45

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All the air is knocked out of my lungs. I definitely didn't expect to see her here. I thought that she was just a regular girl. But I guess I was wrong.

"Kylie?!" I yell walking right over to her.

"Lacey! What are you doing here?!" She asks clearly taken off guard.

"To get my friend back!" I spit. "You're apart of the other gang aren't you?"

"Lacey please just let me explain! I'll tell-" She says but I wave her off.

"No! Were you only datingWyatt because you knew I had something with Henry? !" I yell.

"Calm down!" Alex says pulling me back.

"Where's Payton?!" Perrie yells getting annoyed.

"Well well well...Look if it isn't Perrie Miller! Oh and Alex Wells!" A man exclaims walking out of the house. "And who might this be?" He asks pointing a fat finger at me.

"None of your business. Where is Payton?" Alex says putting a hand on his hip.

I thought he was putting a hand on his hip to be sassy but nope. He probably has a gun but you never know when someone wants to bring their sassy side out.

"Please tell me. She's a pretty little thing" He says slowly walking over to me.

Alex pulls me back, "Stop! Give us Payton!!"

"Please let's talk inside! It's a little cold" He spits.

"Fine. Come on girls" Alex says grabbing our hands.

"What a prick" Perrie mutters. "Shh want to be killed?" Alex snaps. Okay then.

We walk into the house and down the long hallway to the sitting room. The house really is beautiful. Too bad that criminals live here.

Alex sits on the couch and Perrie and I sit on either side of him.

"How do you know Kylie?" Alex whispers.

"She's my best friend's fiancé" I mutter. "I had no idea. She really is the last person I thought would be involved in the gangs"

"It's okay just be careful. We'll find out more about her" He says.

"Alright. So Payton is somewhere in this house. She's...fine" The man says.

"What do you want?!" Alex yells getting up from the couch.

"We need to talk. Your gang has been doing some deals with some of our men. I was told to take Payton until you guys gave up..."The man explains.

"I'm the wrong guy to talk to. Ask Paul he works with the leader" Alex says. "Give us Payton and I'll tell Paul you want to talk"

"Kylie!" The man yells. Kylie comes running into the room.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Get the girl" He snaps. She nods and runs out.

Several minutes later her and some man come in dragging Payton's lifeless body behind them.

"You said you didn't hurt her!!" Alex yells.

Perrie starts to cry and scoots closer to me.

"He killed her?" I ask. Perrie sniffles, "They...they could have drugged her but I doubt it"

"Well I lied" The man snaps.

"Did you drug her or did you really kill her?" I speak up.

"We-" Kylie starts but the man yells for her to stop.

"That isn't your place to tell her Kylie"He snaps.

"But I am just trying to help" She says.

The man grabs a fistful of her hair and yanks her to his side. She whimpers but stays quiet. He pulls out a knife from his pocket and puts it right under her chin. Tears start to form in her eyes.

"P-please stop" She whispers.

"You disobeyed me. I hate when people disobey me. I mean I really don't want to do this but you really gave me no choice" He says moving the knife down to her stomach. He lifts her shirt up and drags the knife over her stomach. Blood starts to pour out as she whimpers in pain.

He lets her go and her hands quickly cover her stomach. The man who helped her bring Payton in rushes to her side. He picks her up and carries her out of the room.

"Lacey take Perrie to the car" Alex says.

"Leaving so soon?" The man asks. "Please stay"

"They will be in the car" Alex glares.

The man pulls out a gun and shoots up at the ceiling. Perrie pulls me down to thee ground.

"Stay!" The man yells.

Perrie crawls behind the couch and motions for me to do the same. Once behind the couch she pulls a gun out of her pocket. She loads the gun and peaks her head behind the couch.

"What are you gonna do?" I whisper.

"Shoot" She says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Alex and the man yell at each other. The man keeps shooting at the ceiling. Parts of the ceiling crumble off onto the floor.

I don't see why he keeps shooting. Is he trying to prove a point? We all have guns on us. We all could easily kill each other. So if he wants to kill us just get it over with.

"I'm gonna shoot" Perrie whispers. "The moment I shoot you run as fast as you can to the car. Get it starting so when me and Alex come out we can drive off. If anyone comes in your path shoot. Don't hesitate" She says. I nod.

After a moment Perrie shoots and the man screams. I run out from behind the couch and sprint towards the door. A man grabs my arm but I shoot him in the foot. I run out to the car and start the engine. I anxiously wait for Perrie and Alex to come out.

After what seems like hours Alex comes out with Payton strung over his shoulder and Perrie by his side.
They both quickly get in the car as more people start to run out of the house.

"Drive!" Perrie yells. I do as I'm told and drive out onto the road.

A loud bang is heard and someone screams. I look over my shoulder to find a bleeding Perrie.

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