Chapter 1

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I wake up to the smell of warm buttery pancakes. The smell instantly makes me get up. I swear if it wasn't for the pancakes then i would sleep the entire day but i have to go to school. Its my last year of high school and I want to end things on a good note. After taking a quick shower and getting dressed I slowly walk downstairs.

"Sweetie! Breakfast is ready! Don't want to be late for school!" my mom yells.

"I'm coming I'm coming" I mumble to myself as I make my way over to the kitchen table. My mom looks stressed it's probably from the divorce. I want my mom to be happy and I know my parents had their troubles so if this is what she wants then I'm happy.

"I won't be here after school I have to work an extra shift tonight" she tells me while giving me a quick peck on the cheek before grabbing her keys and walking out the door. I nod and eat my pancakes. When I'm finished I grab my backpack and keys and walk out the door. The moment I step outside the cold air instantly rushes toward me, i zip my sweater up and run to my car.

• • • • • • • • •

I slowly walk to my locker. When I get there Henry is standing there. What could he possibly want?! He has no friends at this school but who am I to judge I'm an outcast too. I have one friend, Lucy, but she's out with her mom on a business trip. So poor ol' me is by myself...again.

I walk up to my locker and try to avoid contact with Henry. I get all my books for the first 4 periods and put them in my bag. After I zip my backpack I start to make my way to my first period, Mr.Grove, for English until someone calls my name.

"Lacey! Wait!" Henry yells running to catch up with me. How the hell does he know my name. Shouldn't matter but still.


"Where are you going?" he asks.

"To class why do you care?" I say maybe a bit too harsh. He nods and walks away.

Well that wasn't awkward at all. Why is he asking where I'm going? I mean this is a school people! What do we do in school?! We learn so I don't get why he's asking such an absurd question.

• • • • • • • • •

"Just remember to do it Lacey this could really boost your grade. You may have an A- but I know you can do way better than that." Mr. Clover smiles.

I nod and give him a small smile before making my way to my locker. When I get there Henry stands there. As I approach him he smiles "Ready to go?" he asks.

"What?" I ask confused.

He chuckles "To eat lunch. It is lunch time but if you want to do other stuff we can."

"Okay Henry? Right that's your name?" I ask. He nods and smiles.

"I don't know you. I don't know why you are all of a sudden talking to me...." I explain hoping he gets what I'm trying to say so he can leave me alone.

"We both are outcasts. I'm just trying to make some friends. You look nice and friendly so why don't we eat lunch together and see if we can be friends" he smiles.

I guess this could be good. My mom says i should really get out there more. So I guess we could try and see if we can be friends. But what if I don't want to be his friend. He seems like trouble. I don't need trouble. I need to finish school and get into a good college and get a good job and live my life.

Hiii okay so this is my first book! i don't know if it will get any reads but if I do get any reads can you please comment and give me your opinion? That would be great! This is my original story so please do not copy!xx

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