Chapter 44

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2 days later

I knew that Henry was in a gang and that he probably has done illegal stuff but I didn't know that they were all wanted.

"C'mon guys we gotta keep movin!" Rachel yells.

We shuffle out of our hotel rooms and head to the elevator. Henry trails behind our group taking a bit longer than anyone else. Evan does the same. He kinda lingers behind.

"Where are they going?" I ask Liam.

He shrugs, "Don't know. But don't worry about it"

I nod, "How can I not" I mumble.

Paul returns all of our room keys while we all get into different vans. Oliver, Perrie, Paul, Rachel, Henry and I are all in one van while the rest are in another.

I'm pretty scared to ride knowing that we could be raided again. But as my grandmother always said, "Lightning doesn't strike twice"

"Go get Henry" Paul snaps.

I nod and get out of the car in search of Henry. I walk back into the hotel lobby and head straight for the front desk.

"Hi..I'm looking for someone. He's about 6'2 and he has brown hair, greenish eyes, curly locks, he's wearing a flannel and black jeans", I tell the lady at the front desk.

She smiles widely, "Of course miss. I don't think he so. Was he with anyone by chance?"

"Yeah he was with a boy about 5'11..he has light brown hair, done up in a quiff. He's wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt and he's wearing black jeans as well." I smile.

She nods, "Yeah, I saw those two leave the building. Good luck finding them sweetheart"

I smile, "Thank you" She smiles and waves me goodbye as I walk out the doors.

I walk back towards the vans and come up to Paul, "I couldn't find him. I asked the lady at the front desk and she said she saw him and Evan leave but she doesn't know where they went"

He hits the steering wheel which causes the horn to honk, "Fuck!" he yells.

He takes out his phone and dials Evan's number.

"Where are you?!" He yells.
"Come back right now! You don't leave when you both have girlfriends that need you!" He yells before hanging up.

I sigh and get in the van. Where were they trying to run away? Why did Paul say the things he did? I really wanna ask but I'm afraid of asking. It might not go well...

It's 10 AM and Henry and Evan just got back. Evan's hard exterior makes it hard to know if something happened. Henry just looks lost.

"Babe?" I ask as Henry gets in the seat next to me.

He turns his head and furrows his brow, "Did you date when we were broken up?" he asks slowly.

turns and furrows his brow, "Did you date when he were broken up?" He asks slowly.

What? Why would he ask that?

"What are you talking about? It was two years! I dated one guy but our relationship didn't last that long" I say.

"What was his name? What did he look like?" He asks.

"Henry just stop. Is everything okay?" I ask avoiding his questions.

"Please answer" He begs.

"His name was Sam. He was maybe around 5'6 or 5'7. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a scumbag so I dumped him" I explain.

The Outcasts [Completed ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora