
I woke up today to a note from my mom saying she will be working late. My mom works as a dental assistant. Gross right? I could never touch people's teeth all day. So my friends and I right now are currently all lounging at the community pool. I have on a white bathing suit that is normal bikkini bottoms but the top looks like a sports bra but it criss crosses.

"So who wants to start first about how their summer went?" My best friend Avery asked. Avery and I have been friends the longest. I have known her since I was four. She is a little bit curvier than the rest of us girls but she is absolutely flawless. She is so gorgeous and she has this pretty beachy blonde colored hair it used to be real long but she cut it to her shoulders at the start of the summer. 

"I'll start." My other friend Austin said. Austin is tall, bulky, tan, and has shaved brown hair. He is the star of the football team and he wants to get into every girls' pants. He is pretty much the school's player. He told us about how he went to live with his sister who lives out in LA all year around. He was going on about how many girls he hooked up with.

My other friend Chelsea went next. Chelsea is perfect. She doesn't wear too much makeup because she doesn't need it. She has beautiful natural bleach blonde hair and every guy in the school wants to either date her or hook up with her. She is a little on the shy side so she doesn't date too much. This summer her whole family lived in Paris while her Dad did his training there. Her Dad is a special pilot in the army so he isn't around a lot.

And then there is Nick. Nick is the captain of the boys' soccer team and plays guitar which all the girls in school swoon about. He really only dates a girl for no longer than two weeks before getting bored of them. He keeps telling me he is waiting for that one special girl. He was in Flordia all summer spending time with his Mom who is a Marine Biologist. His parents have been divorced since he was six so he spends summers with his mom and the rest of the year with his Dad.

"What about you Chase? Anything interesting happen to you in the Hamptons?" Austin asked wiggling his eyebrows at me

"Are you kidding? She was probably too busy sticking her nose in a book to realize anything going on around her." Chelsea said making everybody else laugh

"HA Ha you guys are so funny with your jokes. And not really. This summer I tried to reinvent myself. Things have been weird with my parents splitting up so I was really just trying to focus on me and my mom." I explained shrugging

"Well you both seem to be doing a lot better now." Avery said gently

"Yeah well things are different now. You girls ready for cheerleading this year?" I asked excitedly changing the subject

"Yes! We are so going to win Nationals this year!" Chelsea exclaimed making a couple people give us weird looks

"That's the plan. Now we lost six seniors so we have to fill six slots. So we need the best girls out there remember." I said as we began packing up since it was getting close to dinner time

"Let us do the cutting people please. You are way too nice to do it. If it was up to you you would allow everybody to be on the squad." Avery said slinging an arm around my shoulders

"Is it such a bad thing to be nice to people?" I asked giving them all a look

"No but sometimes Chaz you are a little too nice." Nick commented

As we were walking out to our cars a group of five guys in a black truck wizzed by and knocked down a bunch of signs that were in people's lawn with a baseball bat. The one guy holding the bat was extremely attractive. He was tan and had dark brown hair that was pushed up and to the side. He saw me staring and looked me up and down before giving me a smirk and the little head nod boys do. What really captivated me about him was his eyes and how they were this beautiful almond brown color.

"Oh great the idiots are back in town." Austin said breaking me out of my thoughts

"Who are they?" I asked and my four friends looked at me like I was from Mars or something

"You really do live under a rock kid. You really don't know who they are?" Nick asked me and I shook my head no.

"The tall one with dark, short, black hair and crystal green eyes is Drew. The one who looks sort of like Drew but a little shorter his name is Marco. The last two are cousins the one with the blonde shaved head is Matt and the one with the shaggier dirty blonde hair is Jake. The most attractive one out of the group or as most of the school likes to call him, "The Leader" that is Hunter Riley. They are all seniors and all super attractive. They are all completely badass especially Hunter. They break into places, smoke, drink, break girls hearts all the time. I heard they got into trouble with the police last year four times." Avery explained to me

"They are the bad boys of The Mount and every girl wants them. But none of them ever seem to have a girlfriend or let alone be seen with a girl unless they are at a party." Chelsea added

"So basically the type of boys your parents warn you about. Well I don't have time to waste on people like them. I have enough to worry about." I said climbing into Avery's car. 

As we pulled away I looked out my window to see Hunter staring at me intently. I felt a blush rise to my face and I quickly looked away. I don't even know the guy but deep down I felt like I wanted too. I kept replaying his smirk and head nod in my head as Avery drove me home.

"So did that whole group stick around for the summer?" I asked her breaking the silence

"Nah they all went with Hunter and his mom to Greece for the summer since Hunter has family there. Rumor has it that they hooked up with over twenty girls while over there. Amazing." she said shaking her head

"If it is true they probably have a lot of STDS." I said laughing making Avery laugh too

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