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I sat on my bed as Hayden hunched over my desk. He wanted to learn a new cover song for his show tonight, so he has been on YouTube searching up some songs.

"How about The 1975?" I asked him as I flipped aimlessly through my Rolling Stones magazine.

"What song?" He asked searching them up.

"Oh I don't know, they have loads" I shrugged

"Have I ever mentioned how useful you are?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

I sighed and shut the magazine before sitting up straight.

"Look up, She Way Out" I suggested

He vigorously typed the song suggestion into the search box and clicked on one of the lyrical versions.

We listened as the music started to play followed by Matty's addicting voice. I noticed Hayden tapping his foot and smiled knowing that I might hear him sing one of my favorite songs.

"It's different" he said as he continued to listen

"It could help bring in more fans" I told him earning a nod in agreement.

As soon as we finished the amazing song, Hayden took out his phone and dialed a number. He placed it against his ear and nervously bit his nails as the constant rings continued.

"Hey!" Hayden excitingly greeted as the other line picked up

"Good, you?" He said as he opened a new tab on my computer

"Cool, so I'm searching up new songs to cover and Ash just suggested a really sick one" he said

I watched as he searched up chords for the song and internally fangirled. My crush is going to sing my favorite song, holy shit.

"She Way Out" Hayden spoke, still on the phone

"The 1975" he said while rolling his eyes

He scrolled down the google page and clicked on one of the blue titles bringing him to a music website.

"Well, listen to it. You're gonna love it" he told his band mate

"I'm learning the guitar as we speak then we can have a band meeting about it and I'll sing it for you guys, I wanna tweak it a bit but it's going to be good" Hayden said sliding my chair over to his bags and picked up his guitar.

"Alright, see you then. Bye" he said before hanging up the phone.

"So you might play it?" I hopefully asked

"If everyone likes my version" he nodded giving me a thumbs up before lightly strumming his guitar.

I could watch him strum the guitar and softly sing all day, which I sorta did. We spent hours in my room while Hayden played me snippets asking if it sounded ok or not. I gave him my honest input and told him that he should preform that song tonight.

"I'm going to go head over to Tyler's" he said giving me a quick hug

He scooped up his two bags and carried his guitar by it's neck.

"Later" he said before shutting my door

"Bye" I said to the empty room

I sighed and fell backwards on my bed. Why must he be so prefect? And unavailable? And convinced that I only can be a friend?

"Ashley!" My mom called from downstairs

I got up off my bed and opened my door.

"Yeah?" I yelled, my voice echoing through the house.

"Dinner is ready" she said over the noise of banging pots and pans

"Alright" I mumbled before trotting down the stairs.

My mother is a terrible cook. Don't get me wrong I love her, but not her food. Hayden and I usually play this game when she cooks for us. Whoever eats the most and lasts the longest without excusing themselves to spit it all out in the bathroom wins. I've had more experienced since I live with this bad cooking but Hayden is so competitive and when he wants to beat me, he beats me.

I walked into the dining room and saw that we were having some sort of meat. This should be interesting.

"Looks great honey" My dad chirped as he entered the room as well

He sat in his usual chair and watched as I did the same. He gave me a quick wink secretly telling me to compliment her cooking.

"Yeah looks yummy, if Hayden knew you were cooking he would've stayed" I told her

"How is Hayden? He seemed very excited as he rushed out" she asked as she took her seat at the table.

"He's good, he found a new cover to play so he rushed out to a band meeting" I told them

"Ah, and how is his girlfriend, Sarah?" She asked having trouble keeping up

I sighed and cut my meat into tiny pieces, not looking forward to place it into my mouth.

"No, they broke up. He's with this girl Lindsey now, she's alright" I shrugged

I shoved a piece in my mouth and instantly regretted it. Meat shouldn't taste like that. I wonder what she tried to cook.

"Mom, what is this exactly? It's delicious" I said as I pushed the pieces around with my fork

"Pork" she smiled

That's definitely not pork.


"Guess who is playing a new song tonight?" Hayden asked as we sat at a vacant table.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed before biting into my real dinner, a cheeseburger.

"Yup, all thanks to you and that tiny brain of yours" he smiled, sipping his water.

"Lindsey is coming soon" he added

Oh joy, I get the honor of meeting yet another bimbo.

"Cool" I simply said placing another fry into my mouth

"You're excitement is too much" he said dryly before standing up from his chair.

"I'll tone it down next time" I sarcastically said

I watched as he left my table to go help his band mates set up for their gig. Sometimes I just wish he would wake up and see that I'm perfect for him. We are literally the perfect match.


I wrote this chapter on the beach lol

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