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"Hello, Jackie" I smiled as I slid into a booth

"Hey" she giggled as Hayden nibbled on her ear

"Hayden if you're hungry, there's pizza right there" I suggested pointing to the huge pie he got on the table

"Thanks Ash" he chuckled

I grabbed a slice of pizza and slid it onto my awaiting paper plate. I watched as Hayden do the same while his new girlfriend just sat there watching.

"Jackie, aren't you hungry?" I asked, continuously shoving my face with the greasy deliciousness.

"No thanks, I can't eat gluten" she said folding her hands

"Wha-?" Hayden mumbled with his mouth full

"I'm gluten free, I can't eat this" she explained

"I told you this the night we met" she added earning a shrug from him

"Sorry, order anything you want, my treat" he told her, grabbing another slice

"What a gentlemen" she mumbled glancing down at the menu

"Bitch" I muttered

"Excuse me?" Jackie asked raising her eyebrows

"Nothing" I shrugged

"It just that it's not his fault he didn't remember, you told him after one of his shows or something?" I asked her

"Yes, I did. We went out to eat afterwards and I told him then" she said with an annoyed tone

"Well, there's the problem. He's still on his performance high." I said as if it were the most obvious thing

Jackie looked over to Hayden who was casually drinking his water. He glanced between the both of us and slowly nodded at Jackie who rolled her eyes.

"Are you serious? That's your excuse for not listening?" She asked him

"Sorry I didn't know your diet?" Hayden unsurely apologized.

"I'm going, Sebastian wanted to hang out anyway" she said as she got out of the booth

"No, please don't go" I said dryly as her body walked out of the tiny pizza parlor.

"You didn't have to pick a fight" Hayden sighed leaning back

"She was a bitch! What quality did you like about her?" I asked catching him by surprise

"I don't know her-"

"Stop, don't finish. There are more qualities to a person besides one thing. Maybe that's why you could never keep a steady girlfriend" I spat

I don't why but meeting Jackie just got me into a bad mood. Oh wait, I do know why. I'm sick of seeing him with other girls who are stuck up bitches.

"I'll keep that in mind" he said softly not sure how to handle me right now.

"Whatever, date who you want. Why do I care?" I bitterly laughed as I scooted out of the booth

"Wait, don't go Ash" he sighed

"I want to go home, my head hurts" I said grabbing a ten out of my purse

"Here's my half" I said placing the bill onto the table.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" He asked me

"I'm tired!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air

I'm tired of watching you constantly go through girls.

I quickly exited the building and got into the car not even acknowledging the tears that were filling up in my eyes.

What's wrong with me? I'm acting as if we just broke up or something. I'm so stupid. I know tomorrow Hayden will call asking if I am feeling better or he'll visit because it was all a one sided argument. I should be the one apologizing.

I wiped the tiny tears away and took a deep breath before starting the car. I sped my way home and rushed inside.

"Ashley? Oh honey, what's wrong?" My mom asked as I ran past her and ran into my room.

I slammed the door shut and collapsed on my bed as I heard my door reopen.

"Ash?" She softly called, entering my room.

"It sucks mom" I sniffled

"What does?" She asked as she sat on the edge of my bed and began to rub my back

"Seeing him with all these girls. I-I've been there for him during every breakup and for every new girlfriend but it's so hard." I cried into my pillow.

This is probably the first time my mom has seen me cry. She knew I had a small crush on Hayden but she most likely didn't know I liked him this much.

"You've been such a good friend-"

"That's it mom, a friend. He friend zoned me so hard and I can't keep doing it. I can't watch him date other girls, it hurts" I told her, cutting her off

"Is he going to Katie's party tomorrow?" My mom asked

"Yeah?" I answered, lifting my head in confusion

"Tell him, just let it all out. Have a couple of drinks before hand, if he reacts badly then blame it on the alcohol." My mom suggested

"I don't drink" I lied making my mom laugh

"Oh honey, every high school senior drinks" she said kissing my forehead

Why haven't I noticed this cool side of my mom?

"I think I'm going to bed" I said

"You're not going to Hayden's show?" My mom asked as she continued to play with my hair.

"Not tonight" I shook my head and gave her a small smile

"Alright, good night." She said giving me another kiss before leaving my room.

Tonight is the first night I'm missing one of his shows. I feel a little guilty but I'm sure he'll do fine with out me. It's not like he looks forward to me showing up or anything. I'm just a third wheel.

I changed into more comfy clothes and slid into my warm bed. Hopefully I'll gain the confidence to tell him the truth tomorrow. If not well, I'll just have to get used to this sad feeling.


Poor Ashley :( Can anyone relate to her? Being friend zoned sucks

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