Chapter 14

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It was Monday morning. Lincoln was at his locker with Girl Jordan in her locker next to him. I can't believe she did that to you. Jordan said as she closed her locker ya. My head still hurts a little, but I'll be fine Lincoln said and then closed his locker. Lincoln and Jordan then began heading to their next class together as they walked. Ronnie Anne approached them and asked Lincoln if you were ok ya. I'm fine, Ronnie Anne Lincoln responded. I heard what happened when your mother came over and tore Bobby a new one after what he caused. Ronnie Anne said I'll be fine Ronnie Anne Lincoln responded as he and Jordan walked towards their next class

A few hours later

The school day was now over, and Lincoln and Jordan were waiting at the curb for their parents to pick them up. Jordan's parents were the first to arrive , and she got into the car and said goodbye to Lincoln as they drove away shortly after Luna pulled up in her car. Lincoln got in, and they began the drive home, so how was your day, kiddo? Luna asked it was good, just more of the same Lincoln responded, looking out the window when they got home as they walked up to the door. Lincoln suddenly stopped and put a hand on the scar on his head. Luna eminently knew what this was she turned around and put a hand on his shoulder and said I won't let her hurt you I promise Luna said Lincoln smiled and just nodded as they entered the house Lincoln and Luna went up to their room Lincoln went and layed down on his bed with his backpack leaning against his desk on the other end of the room you have any homework that needs to be done Luna asked some it not alot though Lincoln responded you should be working on that instead Luna said crossing her arms over her chest I'll do it in a little bit Lincoln responded Lincoln I'm not asking you I'm telling you the sooner the better Luna said Lincoln sat up and looked at her could you help with my home work as well Lincoln asked Luna smiled and said what kind of question is that of course I can kiddo come on let's get started

30 minutes later

Done Lincoln said as he put his things away that weren't so hard now was it, Luna said Lincoln smiled and rolled his eyes. Lincoln then checked his phone and saw a text from Girl Jordan asking if he could hang out. "Oh hey, Jordan wants to know if I can hang out. Is it ok, mom, of course, just don't be out too late, I won't Lincoln said as he sent saying he was on his way as he left the house Luna smiled as she went downstairs and saw her siblings on the couch watching TV Luna then got a text checking it was from her son and it said that he was meeting Jordan at the park and he forgot to tell her that Luna sent a thumbs up and put  her phone away as she sat with the rest of her siblings

Royal Wood Park

Lincoln entered the park and looked around for Girl Jordan. He saw her relaxing under a tree. Lincoln then went over to where she was sitting and sat down next to her. Hey, Lincoln said Girl Jordan, hey Girl Jordan, what's up Lincoln asked, so what do you wanna do Lincoln asked let's head down to Gus's it's been a while since I've been their said Girl Jordan fine with me Lincoln said as the two made their way to Gus's when they got their the two went inside and began playing games

A few hours later

Lincoln and Jordan finished playing the arcade machines, and we're  about to leave when they noticed it was now dark outside and raining, and it was coming down hard. Maybe we should call our parents Jordan suggested as she went to get her phone she remembered she left it at home oh dang it I left my phone at home said Girl Jordan it's ok Jordan I got mine Lincoln said as he pulled it out of his pocket and called his mom Lincoln where are you your still not at the park are you Luna asked no mom me and Jordan went to Gus's can you come and pick us up Jordan my also needs a ride home Lincoln said ok I can come and get you I will also bring Jordan home to Luna said as she hung up Lincoln and Jordan sit talk while they wait for Luna after some time they hear the door open they turn around to see Luna standing at the door holding too jacket for the both of them Lincoln and Jordan go over to her and put the jackets on you to kids ready Luna asked ya we're ready alright then Luna opens the door and the three of them run to Luna's car Luna and Lincoln then drop Jordan off at her house thanks Ms Loud Jordan says as she runs to the front door Luna and Lincoln arrive home but as Lincoln is about to get out of the car Luna says hold it Lincoln looks to his mom and says yes mom Lincoln you had me worried when you didn't respond I tried to call and text you what happened Lincoln sighed and said I turned my phone off Lincoln I was about to go out looking for you before you called me sorry mom Lincoln said it's ok baby Luna said as she hugged him am I in trouble Lincoln asked no Lincoln your not in trouble now come on let's head inside Luna said as the two got out of the car and ran to the house Lincoln and Luna entered through the front door as Lynn SR entered the dining room oh hey you two good timing dinner is ready  Lynn SR said then call out to the rest of his daughters

20 minutes later

Everyone was in their rooms for the night. Lincoln was in bed already fast asleep. Luna entered the room and smiled and said good night Lincoln Luna said as she got into bed next to him Luna then got a text from Sam she looked at it and smiled then putt her phone on the charger and fell asleep

The next morning

Lincoln woke up in his bed to see his mother gone with a note on his desk he got up and read it, went out with Sam, and was going to be back in a few hours Luna was walking through the mall talking with Sam so how's Lincoln Sam asked he's doing good Luna responded that's good Sam said Luna smiled as the two continued walking so Luna I've been meaning to take to you about something Sam said what is it Sam Luna asked that I still have some feelings for you Sam said oh well that's sweet Sam I'm not looking for anyone right now Luna said Sam frowned oh ok I'll see you later then Luna said Sam ok Sam see you later Luna responded Luna then left the mall and was just about to her car when she was hit with a tranquilizer dark in the neck ow what the heck Luna said as she fell to the ground unconscious someone then came up and through Luna in the back of her car and drove away from the mall

End of Chapter 14

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