Chapter 2

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Lincoln was sitting in bed reading his comics, and his mother was on her acoustic guitar. At the end of the bed, when Lynn Jr. came into the room, hey Link, come on, I need to practice Lynn said as she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the door. Then Luna blocked her path. Lynn, you know you play too rough. Luna said ya, and Lynn responded, "You need to need to be more gentle with him, you know, so what he'll be fine, Lynn responded. Lynn quickly ran past Luna when Lincoln and Lynn made it to the backyard. Lincoln asked, "What do you need help practicing with Lincoln. asked my kickboxing. Lynn responded to your what Lincoln said  before  got kicked in the stomach and into the net, and Lynn shouted gole as Lynn turned a round, a very angry Luna was standing behind her Lynn jumped hey Luna how's it goin Luna pushed Lynn out of the way and went to her son who was holding stomach in pain. Lynn rolled her eyes  and went inside. Luna picked up Lincoln and went back to their room she sat him down  on the bed and sat next to him with. An arm wrapped around his shoulder and asked if he was alright.  Ya, I guess Lincoln responded. Luna  then kissed his cheek, Lincoln smiled and said, "Love you, Mom Luna smiled, hugged him tightly, and said I love you to baby Luna and Lincoln stayed like that for what felt like hours when they finally let go of eachother Luna then told her son about a job interview she had the next day. Lincoln was happy to hear that him mom might be able to get a job. Well, good luck, mom Lincoln said

The next day

Luna walked in the door, closing it behind her, and sat on the couch she then  heard someone. Coming down the stairs, she looked behind her and saw her son. Lincoln said , " Lincoln, why aren't you at school? You did enroll me in school, yet he said, "Oh carp, sorry buddy, I guess I forgot I'll get it done  later tonight. Luna said it's OK, mom  Lincoln said as he went to sit next to her, so how did the interview go. Lincoln asked, "Not good, sweetie. I didn't get that job. This is starting TO REALLY GET ON MY NERVES, Luna said Luna, then looked to her son and saw a bit of fear in his eyes. Oh, sorry, honey, did mam scare you a little Lincoln said, so how has your day been, sweetie Luna asked good just read my comics and played some video games Lincoln said well at least you had a good day Luna said as she went and kissed her son cheek. Lincoln let out a slight chuckle when she did, so what are you gonna do now asked Luna I am not sure kinda hungry though Lincoln said, alright let's see what we got in the fridge Luna said as they both got up and went to the fridge. Luna opened up the fridge and looked for anything good. As Luna looked, she saw some of the leftover pizza, which was rare in this house. Luna grabbed the box, and there were for slices left perfect two for each of us, baby Luna said as she put the pizza on a plate and then into the microwave. Lincoln and Luna stood next to the microwave and waited, and 45 seconds later, the pizza was all heated up. Lincoln and Luna went back to the couch to watch TV and enjoy their lunch an hour later. The rest of the family  home, hey Luna, how did the interview go? I didn't get the job was all, Luna said, "Oh well, sorry to hear that, Luna it fine Luna said I'll get a job eventually," Luna said

Later that day

Lincoln and Luna were up in their room. Lincoln was playing his games while his mother watched. Luna watched as her son was driving the in-game vehicle to they way point. What's this game about again? Luna asked. "Oh, it just a racing game," Lincoln responded. "Oh, ok," Luna said, honey, it's getting pretty late. we should head to bed. ok, just 5 more minutes, baby it's almost 11:00, and you have school in the morning. Come on, mom, please, no Lincoln  Luna said, please, please, please, NO LINCOLN Luna yelled NOW ENOUGH GIVE ME THE CONTROLLER Lincoln jumped at his mom sudden burst of anger and gaves  her his controller Luna then put in up on a high self where Lincoln couldn't reach. Mom Lincoln said  what Luna responded. I'm sorry, I should have listened to you the first time Lincoln said it's okay, sweetie, it's just that I only want what is best for you, baby Luna said Lincoln and Luna then got into  bed Lincoln cuddled  close to his mother I love you Mama Lincoln said I love you to baby Luna responded as the both fell asleep in eachothers  arms

End of chapter 2

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