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Dream could see George lurking from the creak of the door with a lightly soft smile plastered on the corners of lips. Deciding to end his stream nearly instantly after that, he removed his headset from the neat mess of hair below it.

George had taken a few steps closer to the taller boy who was still sitting behind the computer, making sure he had closed everything necessary.

Dream couldn't help but catch the smile that was plastered over George's mouth and had gotten wider the moment that their eyes met each other. His smile grew along with the shorter boy's smile in front of him.

With no words said George suddenly went over to wrap his legs and arms around Dream like he was a koala hugging a tree.

Dream couldn't exactly understand what was happening at that very moment. George would almost never just walk in his room while he was busy with something even more the fact he wrapped himself like a koala in his embrace.

Nonetheless Dream's arms almost instantly took the grip around the brunette's waist and held him closer against his chest without even an inch escaping between their bodies.

''You're all clingy today, never seen you like that before'' Dream teasingly said with a quiet tone emitting from his voice, a chuckle escaping his lips.

George was glued on top of the blonde's lap with his arms wrapped around him. Only a slight tilt of a head nuzzling for a spot on the crook of Dream's neck for more closure, because being clued like a koala didn't feel like it was enough for him. There were no words in response.

They sat in this position for a solid fifteen minutes before Dream stopped tracing gentle circles around the brunette's back. He pulled one of his hands towards George's chin while the other one was still securely supporting his body. He placed his hand under George's chin to lift it up and make his emerald green eyes meet the deep brown pupils, ''What's on your mind?'' Dream softly asked while stroking his thumb against George's cheek.

George finally acknowledges the eyes that had met just a few seconds ago, ''I don't know, what is in my mind?'' George softly murmured.

Dream let out a slight laughter, ''Am I supposed to read your mind?'' Dream asked in response.

George gave it a few seconds before replying, ''That would be so much easier'' George scoffed with a slight smile uplifting the corners of his lips.

With a smile from the blonde in response, he pressed his lips against George's to savour a moment of their lips being blissfully connected. Upon removing his lips whilst instantly tracing his eyes to meet George's again, ''I don't think I have the superpower to read your mind yet, George''

''Yet'' George repeated his words.

''George!'' Dream scoffed teasingly, ''Are you hungry, do you want to order some food?'' Dream continues as he hears a slight rumbling from George's stomach.

Once the brunette shook his head left-right, meaning it was not the case here.

''Do you want to cuddle?'' Dream continued shooting another question.

''Warmer'' George began, ''Kind of...'' He added.

The smile that appeared on Dream's face almost as instantly dropped as the 'kind of' escaping George's lips meant he wasn't even close to what he was thinking of, ''Can you give me a hint?'' Dream pleaded in slight surrender, yet barely having started the game of reading George's mind.

''Us'' Was the only thing Dream heard from the quiet tone from the boy on his lap.

Dream smiled, ''So it's something about us'' Earning a nod of yes from the brunette.

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