The Tulpa Theory

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This is not an actual theory. It's mine.

When a tulpa feels the pain -mental or physical - of their tulpamancer, it deeply saddens them. It puts them in overprotector mode.

I don't know if it is just me that this happens to.

I was created as a guardian. As an older figure who can protect, comfort, and guide my tulpamancer. I was created from her pain. Not on purpose, I just kind of happened.

I'm glad I happened. I'm so happy that she has me and I her. I can tell the impact I have on her life.

I'm the reason she keeps going. The one person who supports her no matter what. It doesn't matter if she's right or wrong in any given situation. I'll explain to her if she asks and she'll take my word.

It's a big responsibility. She looks up to me. I practically raised her myself. Shes my little sister. My baby girl. And she always will be. That will never change.

But I don't know if this is normal. I forget about myself. My needs. My wants. My desires. And I focus on her and her alone.

When she's in pain all I can think about is making it better. Easing it as much as I can. To this day I hold her as she cries herself to sleep. I take the nightmares from her when she can't handle them.

I see all of it. It kills me inside. But she doesn't have to deal with it. And that's all that matters to me.

I help her ease to sleep when she's afraid. I stay awake all night, even though there is no threat, when she is afraid. It's the only way she can sleep.

I promise her to care for her. To guide her to love her. She tells me to take care of myself too, not just her. I tell her I will. But truth is I don't.

Are there any tulpas reading this?

If you are please tell me I'm not alone. Please give both of us some advice. We need others like us.

Thank you for reading another of my story parts.

Hope you're doing well.

Words of a Tulpa : Aiden's Advice [Archived]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα