The trio hid behind huts and maneuvered around many different groups of tarkatans. They successfully snuck around unnoticed for a few minutes. They hid behind another hut, but this one caught their attention as Ermac felt a Tarkatan energy level stronger than the others.

"Mileena... She is here." Ermac said as he pointed to the hut far across from their right.

"She's even closer to Shao Kahn. Perhaps we should think about questioning her." Jade suggested as the trio all agreed and made their way over to the hut Mileena was in.

Once they were at the right hut, they hid and listened in on a conversation Mileena was having with a Tarkatan. "Go now. My father will be here soon and when he is, the battalion must prepare itself." She said as the Tarkatan understood and tried to leave the hut, only to be stopped by Reiko, who walked into the hut.

"Mileena, since when do you give orders to your father's soldiers? Have you forgotten that I am his general?" Reiko mockingly asked as Mileena grew furious at the smug general.

"You... I don't know why my father trusts you, nor why he seems to follow your word like gospel, but you will get what's coming to you one day, Reiko!" Mileena claimed as the general replied, "It's not difficult to see why Shao Kahn would trust me far more than you, Mileena. What I said earlier weren't exactly lies. You would indeed make a horrible ruler, and deep down, everyone else knew it."

Mileena's rage rose by the second with how hard Reiko was antagonizing her. "My father will see the truth at some point, Reiko. And when he does, I'll make sure I have the honor of killing you....slowly!"

Reiko began to chuckle at Mileena's claims and replied, "How much of a fool can you be, Mileena? Shao Kahn will never believe you again. You, his science experiment gone wrong for a 'daughter' who miserably failed him and is responsible for allowing Sindel and Kitana to tear down his once great empire? He'd sooner kill a useless waste of resources like you than ever get rid of his greatest general."

"You lie, Reiko!" A wide eyed Mileena yelled as she tried to act like his words didn't cut deep, but....they did.

"You are a very stubborn woman, Mileena. Honestly, it's one of your worst qualities....amongst your many other horrendous ones." Reiko said as Mileena narrowed her eyes. Reiko put his hands behind his back and walked towards the hut's exit and informed her, "Regardless, you're father will indeed be here soon. Do try not to fail him once AGAIN, would you?"

With that Reiko walked out of the hut and left a very frustrated Mileena alone. Her frustration and rage reached a boiling point and she unleashed it when she started to swing around in a rage and destroyed different objects around her. She then punched a hole into the wall of the hut and tried as best as she could to calm down. It was a futile effort however. No matter how hard she tried, Reiko and his lies just made her blood boil.

"It sounds as if Mileena is on thin ice with Shao Kahn." Jade whispered and Kitana agreed.

"Of course. That's how Shao Kahn operates. Fail him, and he casts you out." Kitana replied, talking from experience.

"Or he betrays you and takes your power for himself as he did to us, Shang Tsung and Riekhan." Ermac added on, detailing his own experience with the treacherous emperor.

"I can't believe I'm asking this, you really think it possible Mileena eventually turns on Shao Kahn?" Jade asked.

"No." Kitana flatly answered before explaining, "She's far too loyal to him. And as Reiko's antagonization shows, that loyalty to Shao Kahn is to her own detriment. Even IF she betrayed him, she'd have nowhere to go and nobody to turn to for help."

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