Masquerade - Vinny

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"Okay, that's it.  You are going to the party with me, and we are going to get drunk and get you laid.  You need to stop moping about your breakup. It's been almost a month, get over here and let me make you hot," Your best friend Paige grabs your arm, practically dragging you out of your bed.
"I don't want to, we were together for almost 2 years, let me be sad," you whine, trying to pull your arm away from her.
"Nope, we are done moping and whining.  Sit down, let me do your hair so we can make you smoking. Get you any guy that you want at the bar," she says, shoving you down in your desk chair while she runs to get her curling iron.
You give up on fighting her, once she has her mind made up there is no stopping her. 
She comes back and quickly gets to work on curling your hair, knowing that you always feel more confident when it is curled rather than straight, and she wants you to feel like you are the most attractive woman in the room when she is done.  Your ex has torn you down for too long, made you insecure about your looks for too long and she is going to change that, hoping that getting you laid will help pull you out of your funk.
She starts with your makeup next, highlighting your eyes which in her opinion are absolutely beautiful and don't need much work to make them pop.  You have a natural beauty that can't be faked, that is why she will forever hate Austin for destroying your self worth, you don't realize what you have, and you should.
After shoving you in a dress that shows off way more leg and cleavage than you have shown in years she moves you in front of the full length mirror that is in the living room so you can see her work, you gasping as you almost can't recognize yourself.  She actually made you look, dare you say it, hot.
"Okay, let's go.  Oh wait, here, it's a masquerade so you need a mask," she says handing you one off the table, before leading you out towards the uber that she must have called already to drop you off.  She had already thought of everything.
"You had this all planned didn't you, hence why you had an extra mask there and this dress," you asked her, glancing across the car at where she sat.
"Yes, you need it.  And look, we are here, lets go get you a drink," she says, leading you towards a keg and pouring you a drink before handing you the cup, getting one of her own.
A couple drinks later and you are honestly having a lot of fun, you and Paige dancing together while others in the crowd do the same, not caring if you looked like idiots because everyone is starting to the way they have been drinking tonight.
"I am getting another drink, be right back," she says, stumbling away from you, leaving you now feeling out of place being by herself.
After a couple minutes you have accepted that she isn't returning any time soon and are about to leave the dance floor but someone stops in front of you, bringing your attention to this man who is smiling down at you.
"Your friend seems to have left you, want to dance?" He asks you, a smile on his face when you look at him. You swallow slightly as you take in the handsome man in front of you.  His dark eyes scan your face to read your reaction as you shamelessly check him out, his curls standing out to you because of the red in the front, what you assume is his natural brown in the back.  You don't know why that is standing out so much to you but it is.
"You're not from around here are you," you shamelessly ask. "I mean- you have an american accent is all," you glance away, feeling your blush spread across your face.
"No, I am passing through for work.  Some of my um- coworkers found out about the party and we all decided to crash it, something to do on a night off," he admits, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
Truthfully, Vinny is being vague but he doesn't want anyone to recognize him.  Sometimes it can be hard to get out and have a fun night without people recognizing him, and he just wants a normal night for once. Partying, drinking and maybe having a hookup if things work out that way.
"Well, you wanted to dance, so let's dance," you say, being more forward than usual with the alcohol taking over your system at this point, your normal reservations leaving you.
You grab his hand and drag him out on the dance floor where both of you dance, talk and laugh, losing yourselves in each other as your bodies touch, finding that both of you are having a great time.  At one point his lips find yours, and you lean into the kiss, it gets heated between the two of you quickly before you pull away.
"Normally I don't do this, but do you maybe want to go back to my place?" you ask him, feeling shy but wanting more from this man that you barely know.
"Fuck, yes," he responds, letting you take his hand as you drag him out of the front door of the party, quickly getting an uber and messaging Paige that you are leaving, her sending you back a wink face and telling you that she has condoms in her room, knowing exactly why you are leaving as she has been watching you and the man you have no learned is named Vinny from across the room, glad that you are enjoying yourself.
The second you and Vinny arrive at your apartment and you are inside the door his lips are on yours, turning you around and pushing your body against the door as his hands rest on your hips, his tongue finding yours.
"Fuck," he groans as you grind your hips into his, feeling his erection through his jeans against your clothed core. "Where's your room? I need you."
He pulls away from you long enough for you to show him your room, both of you take your masks off, no longer giving a shit about concealing your faces from one another as you step inside your bedroom. 
His lips find yours again, you grabbing ahold of his shirt to keep him close to you.  You haven't gotten laid in quite awhile, but even then your ex couldn't ever actually get you off.  You fucking needed this mans touch, needed to enjoy yourself.  You find yourself grabbing the hem of his shirt, yanking the material over his head roughly, running your hands across his skin and then leaning back in to kiss again.
His hands start to trail up your legs, slowly moving under the hem of your dress, slipping the material up your thighs, it bunching at your hips as he practically shoves you onto your back on the bed.
You ignore the thoughts in your head that are telling you to stop, choosing instead to focus on the hand that is currently getting dangerously close to the heat that is building between your thighs. Not even caring about the consequences of your actions as you find yourself growing dangerously wet.
Your kiss deepens, his tongue finding yours as your nails slowly drag across his chest, one of his hands bunching in the curls at the back of your head to keep you close as the other moves to your back, tugging it open as the cool air meets your skin.  You lean up just long enough for him to pull it over your head, leaving you in only your panties.
His hands move so that they can cup your breasts,  you flushing under his gaze as he admires your chest.  He couldn't wait to touch you, feel you tremble against him.  His fingers now run against your ribs lightly, smiling to himself when you squirm against his touch.
You wrap your arms around his neck, feeling his hands settle on your hips as you shuffle, your hips moving against his, allowing you to feel his clothed erection against yourself.
Pulling you tight against him, a small grown escapes our lips as you continue to move yourself against him, feeling needy and wishing he would just give you what you want from him.
His lips pull away from yours, slowly nibbling his way down to your neck and collarbone, before settling on your breasts, biting and sucking along your skin in a way that is driving you crazy, making you buck your hips against his, the heat between the two of you becoming harder and harder to ignore.
"Vin," you whine, reaching between the two of you and closing your hand the best you can around his clothed erection, you move your lips to just under his ear, nibbling at the skin there as you try to undo the button of his jeans and zipper, wanting him naked with you.
He allows you to remove them, along with his boxers, shifting his hips in a way so that his now free erection brushes against you through your panties making you both groan at the contact, your fingers squeezing him as he shuffles his jeans the rest of the way off.
His lips find yours, you grow more desperate and whimpering as his fingers move along your thighs, pressing against your wet core through your panties, making him smirk at you.  Moving your panties aside he runs his fingers through your folds, causing you to whimper again at how sensitive you are beneath him when he finds your clit.
You press your hips into into his hand eagerly, urging him to do something, him finally slipping a finger inside of you, a second quickly finding it when he realizes you are wet enough to take it.
His teeth lightly sink into the flesh by your collarbone as he starts pumping his fingers inside of you roughly, you closing your eyes from the pleasure he is currently bringing you.
"God dammit, Vin, I need you inside of me," you all but beg at this point, close and wanting the release that he can give you right now. 
He moves to grab his jeans, fumbling through his wallet for the condom he knows is inside of it before quickly sliding it on, moving to rub himself against your folds, groaning when you needily raise your hips, making him brush against you.
"Fuck," he groans as he grabs your hips, flipping you over so that you are on top of him before you take charge and sink yourself down on top of him, rocking your hips against his.  You pull his lips to yours again, needy, as he pulls your hips down so that you meet him tightly, both of you moaning as your body stretches to accommodate him, taking all of him at once now. 
You roll your hips against his, Vin inhaling sharply underneath you at the feeling.
Your hands press into his shoulders, forcing him to lay against the bed as you take charge over your movements.  Enjoying the control you currently have over him, and clearly he doesn't mind, his fingers dig into your hips as he holds you in place.
They eventually wander, grabbing your ass, your thighs, they just move over your skin leaving red scratches along your back as they wander. 
Both of you gasp when he thrusts up into you, you whine as he hits the spot inside of you that makes you see stars, within a few more thrusts you are shaking against his skin, starting to feel your orgasm grow.  When you feel his hands dig into the flesh of your ass you finally give in, clenching around him as it hits you.
You pant as you lean down as you come down from your high, your fast pressed against his shoulder as he hips still ram into yours, you clenching around him making him cum deeply.
Both of you lay there, breathing hard and unmoving as you come back down for a few moments, taking the time to recover that you need.  Both of you thinking in your head that the other was easily the best lay that you have had, and now both of you are completely spent. 
He shifts, rolling over so he is on top of you before he slips out of you, gazing down at your sleepy face. You yawn, stretching your hands over your head before he moves.
Slipping the condom off he ties it before throwing it in your trash bin and slowly moving to slip his clothing back on, you watching him closely.  Part of you not wanting him to leave as you had a great night with him, but knowing that he had to.  You throw your head back on the pillow when he leaves your apartment, absolutely spent but decide you better check on Paige quick.
You notice you already have a text from her telling you that she got home safe, and that she somehow has gotten tickets to a rock show tomorrow and is begging you to go, apparently their name is Motionless In White, and from what she says they are really good. 
Well, looks like you have plans for tomorrow night as well now, you think before you finally allow yourself to fall asleep.

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