Engagement *Ryan

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A/N:  this one is not my favorite, I thought I liked it but now rereading it I'm ehh....  Hopefully y'all enjoy!

On the Bus

"So I think I am going to ask y/n to marry me when we get done with tour," Ryan says to the boys as they all sit in the front lounge, completely catching the rest of the band off guard with hi words.
Vinny and Chris pause their game of NHL on the Xbox to look over at Ryan, caught off guard while Ryan and Justin out their phones down to look at him. None of them expected those words to come out of the guitarists mouth.
"I can't imagine us not being together at this point.  I know she loves me and I love her, we've been together about two years now so I figure we may as well get married at this point.  I don't see myself wanting anyone else," Ryan continues.
"Do you have a plan of how you want to do it?" Chris asks him, curious and willing to help with anything Ryan needs.
"Fuck, no.  I know I want to involve her class because that would mean a lot to her but I don't know how.  I'm not good at this romantic thing, you guys know this.  I have no clue how to do this shit," Ryan groans.
"Do you have a ring?" Vinny asks.  He doesn't remember Ryan sneaking off anywhere without one of them but that doesn't mean he hasn't.
"Yes, I saw one in Chicago like six months ago when we were there that I knew I wanted for her and I bought it.  I wasn't ready to ask yet but knew I would want to eventually and that I wanted that ring for her so I got it," he answers, smiling that he at least had that ready for you.
The response dumbfounded the boys, none of them knew about him having a ring.  Usually Ryan shares pretty much everything with them so the fact that he had this hidden for so long is impressive honestly.
"What if you just surprise her during her class? Tell her you are going to be home a few days later than planned or something and then just show up?" Justin suggests.
"That's boring dude, he has to go bigger than that," Vinny says earning a glare from both Ryan and Justin.
"What, you have something better?" Justin asks him.
"No, but I don't need to.  It's not me asking someone." Vinny says with a smirk. 
Ryan can't help but think that of course that little shit would have some smart ass comment to respond back with.
"I wanted to do some sort of game or something because she loves puzzles but I just can't come up with anything, I have been thinking about this for a couple weeks now with no luck at all," Ryan admits.
"Before you even have an idea you better email her principal and make sure that you can even do something like this involving her class and give her a date because there is no use planning something if you're going to find out you can't even do it." Chris says.
"Good point, I will go on the website for her school and pull her email up now, and ask her if I can do something on the day we get back," Ryan responds pulling his phone out. 
As he is typing the email up Ricky speaks up finally, "I think I have an idea."


You're working on grading some of your students homework when you get a message from Ryan.  You glance down at your phone and smile.
"I am ready for our video chat date when you are," you read his message.
You open your phone and start the video call, immediately smiling when you see Ryan pop up on your screen.  The two of you try to video chat with eachother as much as you can while he is away on tour, it makes you feel a bit closer to him than just a regular call or texting with eachother.
"Hello Beautiful," Ryan says the second he pops up on your screen with a big smile. "How was your day today?"
"Honestly, not great.  But now that you are here I know tonight will be better," you smile at him.  There is no point in lying to him, he always knows what you are feeling no matter how much you try to hide it from him.
"What happened? Was it your one parent again?" He asks you.
"Yeah, she sent an angry email asking if I even bother sansatizing and cleaning the room because her kid is sick and apparently gets sick way more than she did in first grade and so I must not be doing anything right.  On top of that my kids were just extra today, even my best students didn't want to cooperate as well as usual today.  I can tell it was a friday, that is for sure." you respond. You don't really want to go into detail because you don't want to bring Ryan's mood down, you can tell he is in a good mood.  "How about you, you look like you are in a good mood."
"I am, the interview today that we did went great.  But I do have some bad news for you.  Remember how we are supposed to get home next Thursday, that got pushed back to Saturday so I will be a couple days later than planned.  I'm sorry," Ryan says to you, unsure of what your reaction will be.
"I understand, when you tour things come up.  You've been gone almost 3 months, what is 2 more days?" You ask softly. 
Ryan can tell by the look on your face that you are upset with his news, enough to where it almost made him feel bad for lying to you.  Hopefully you will forgive him for that after he surprises you on Friday.
"We all agreed that we are going to focus on writing for the new album when we get home, so we are going to be taking a break from touring for awhile.  But we all agreed to take a month off completely to be able to spend time with our loved ones, so for awhile I will be all yours.  You better be prepared for me to keep you busy," Ryan says winking at you.
Your face heats up at his words, them reminding you of what the two of you did right before he left for tour.  You couldn't walk comfortably for a couple days after.
"Well, we do have almost 3 months to make up for," you respond.
Both of you continue to talk for a couple hours, honestly losing track of time and enjoying being able to see eachother even if it was just virtually.  Eventually you were starting to doze off on Ryan so he decides he better let you go so you can go to sleep.
"I love you baby, I will see you in just over a week," Ryan says before hanging up.
You close the call out on your phone and sigh, sometimes you wish he didn't have to tour and leave you for so long like he does, but you also know that he loves what he does. 

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