Shocking News

371 12 3

"Prat" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -letters/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 4: Shocking News


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

Harry had caught the sorting hat in his hands. Just after catching the sorting hat, Tom starts mocking Harry for his loyalties and the trust Dumbledore has in him that he sent a mere hat to save him. Tom becomes shocked as the Phoenix pierces the eyes of the Basilisk making it lose its sense of vision and making it depend on its other senses. Though its other senses are not as accurate as its eyes. It was clear to Harry that the Basilisk's other senses were pretty good as well since Harry barely missed being hit by it when Tom had ordered the Basilisk to kill him right now. After dodging the attack Harry started to run again to get the distance between him and the basilisk. As he runs the Baslisk tries to chase after and attack him but it is stopped again by Fawkes. Harry fires some spells running and dodging as he fights the Basilisk alongside the Phoenix. While this is going on the sorting hat which is still in Harry's left hand starts speaking amidst all the chaos as if they were on a peaceful picnic or a simple stroll through the park.

Hat-" I told you that Slytherin is the best choice for you and where you grow to greatness, Mr. Potter. But you vehemently asked for Gryfindor though I do know why I still think you should gone to Slytherin. So I put you in Gryffindor though I knew you would have done way better in Slytherin. Today you find yourself in another life-or-death situation because of those around you. If you had been in Slytherin, you would have been with people who are like you, Mr.Potter. People who are ambitious, cunning, and intelligent. However, I will admit that the Weasley twins, Ms.Granger, and those Gryffindor chasers are a great choice of friends. Though it took you a long time to gain a friendship with them better late than never by the way. Before you ask how do I know that you befriend the chasers and the twins I know everything going on in Hogwarts Mr.Potter for I am the sorting hat. Now back to what I was saying your choice to befriend and trust the Weasley twins, the three chasers, and Ms.Granger was a good choice. Had the twins and Hermione not been in Gryffindor they all be in different houses. The twins would have been in Slytherin and Ms.Granger in Ravenclaw. However, I didn't suggest you be in Slytherin just because of your ambition, intelligence, and eminence cunning though that is part of the reason, it is just not the main reason. There are 2 main reasons I suggest you go to Slytherin the 1st being it was a sure way to ensure you would not be under Dumbledor's control and 2nd reason is you are the last blood relative of Salazar Slytherin himself, Mr.Potter. Before his death, Salazar himself asked me to sort any of his family members to his house where they would be safe. He also explained some of the traits that will give me some clues to identify them. One such clue is green eyes the second is females being named after flowers'

The sorting hat paused to give Harry time to process the information. Harry couldn't believe he was related to Salazar Slytherin. Harry dodges another attack from the basilisk and fires another spell at it and Fawkes attacks it again then he dodges attacks from both Tom and the basilisk. At this moment the hat decides to talk again.

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