Down into the unknown/Deul down in the Chamber

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"Prat" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -letters/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 3:Down into the Unknown/Deul down in the Chamber


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

It has been a month and 15 days now since Hermoine has been attacked and Harry is reaching his limit with everything. If not for his discovery of the RoR he probably would have lost it by now and started hexing many people into oblivion or to the point they be in the damn hospital for a couple days or weeks. Even though some have finally realized that he may not be the one attacking the students they don't apoligies because of peer pressure and most still think that he had been the one attacking the students. Only real good news is that the plant they been growing for the potion is finally ready so they will be brewing the potions passing them out amongst the petrified victums going in the order from the oldest of attacked victums to newest. Harry had a feeling that Dumbledor chose that order on purpose since there hadn't been any attacks since Hermoine and she be the last to wake up. Harry sits at the end of Gryffindor table smiling as he sits with the girls from the quidditch team like he has every meal for the last month and 13 days only time they weren't there was when they went to Hogmade for the weekend. Everyone in the hall could see the giddinous in Harry to hear that those petrified was finally waking up the girls all were teasing him about how he could finally confess to his long time crush. Of course this had cause Harry to blush and joke about with them and everybody in the great hall saw for the first time ever Harry actually give one of his rare true geniune smile that not many get to see often since the only time he ever really seemed to show it was when he was flying his broom. Everyone in the Great Hall watches Harry and his group each barring different emotions. Some have guilt, some only bare curiosity, some envy, some jealousy, some disgust, some anger, some happiness, and there there were some who had a mix of more then one. 

Harry notice all the looks but he pretended to not to notice them he just continue his act of being happy and embarassed mix with excitment. Though it was true he was all those things as his friends were teasing him right now and he got word that by next week Hermoine would be up but underneith everything else there were some very strong negative emotions that were directed at Snape and Dumbledor but thanks to his Occlumency he was able to hide them negative emotions under his happy ones. He happily interact with his friends but only half listened as he started getting deep in thought which lead to more teasing from the girls saying how he was think about a certain bookworm he crushing on and though it is true that he was thinking slightly about her  it was not in the way his older female companians had believed. What was really on my mind that Dumbledor had in public attempt to use Legilimency on me but luckily since I trained so much in the RoR with the time moving differently my Occlumency is mastered.

Harry- "I am so fucking glad I mastered Oclumency before lunch today. I still can't believed Dumbledor tried to read my mind."

Harry has reached his limit in both his patients and dealing with people's ignorance. Harry is feeling stressed out with his continuous harassment, teachers doing nothing to help, trying to find any information on the monster attacking the school and anything to find out the identity of the heir of Slytherin without Hermione, school work, dealing with hate mail, and his continuous nightmares. While standing in the corridor staring at nothing Harry heard about someone being dragged into the Chamber of Secrets from a person as they were shouting about a message and ran to the staff room. Harry eavesdropped from outside and he heard Professor McGonagall say it was Ginny Weasley, the younger sister of his friends Bill, the twins, and Ron was the one dragged into the Chamber of Secrets. Another thing Harry overheard was that they knew about the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets which turns out to be in the girl's bathroom on the second floor.

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