Chapter 10: Did They Really Change?

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I looked at the 5 of them in disgust and made sure that they noticed the disgust in my eyes before leaving.

Jungkook's POV:

When I reached my room, I turned to Mia and told her she could go.

She bowed and left me alone. Alone with myself and my thoughts.

My thoughts went to that poor boy. He was too young to go through such things. He was too innocent and pure.

I shuddered by the thought of the possibility of him being raped and forced to have sex without his consent.

The more I thought about it, the more disgust and hate for alphas grew in my heart.

As what Mrs Kim said, it looks like alpha never break their "respect" of letting any lower ranks decide or tell them what to do and are too full of ego to care or listen to their lower ranks.

But Mrs Kim did also say that they changed except yoongi but she did also say that the alpha blood is still in them.

There's only one way to find out.

I went downstairs to the living room and saw the 5 of them sitting there deep in thoughts.

I cleared my throat to get their attention and they immediately looked toward me.

Jin got up and smiled while softly holding my hand.

I jerked his hand harshly and said in a cold voice.

Jungkook: Never touch me again without my consent.

His smile dropped and nodded with a sad face.

I scoffed at him and went toward the couch.

Taehyung made space for me beside him but I ignored him and sat on the single couch.

He sighed and got comfortable on the couch again.

They kept looking at me, and I stared at every one of them turn by turn.

They shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

Jungkook: Get up.

I said in a cold and demanding voice.

Namjoon: Huh?

All of them looked confused but got up anyway.

Jungkook: I decided to give you guys a chance.

When I said that, their faces lightened up and they looked at me with a wide smile.

But it dropped instantly with what I said next.

Jungkook: But you need to kneel down and ask for my forgiveness like a sinful peasant asking for his king to spare him.

They looked shocked and sat still for completely 1 minute.

I scoffed at them.

They still have egos as high as burj khalifa.

I was going to get up, but Hobi knelt down slowly and put his forehead on the floor beside my feet.

Hobi: Forgive me Jungkook, for what I did.

I looked at him shocked.

Before I could say anything, Jimin and Taehyung also knelt down and kissed both of my feet while asking for forgiveness.

I looked at Namjoon and Jin and saw them kneeling down too.

I smirked and kicked both Taehyung and Jimin with my leg, away from me .

They looked at me for a few seconds, and I waited for them to lash out, but they just looked down.

I saw Mingyu coming downstairs and when he saw what is going on, he froze and his mouth got wide open.

I stifled my giggles and signaled him to come here.

He came down slowly and stood beside me while looking at his brothers with wide eyes.

I pulled him beside me and he gasped.

Jungkook: Don't worry, hyungies wouldn't mind. Am I right hyungies?

The 5 alphas looked at me with a little smile and nodded.

Mingyu: You tamed them. Didn't you?

He said while trying to hold his laughter.

I looked at the 5 alphas and saw them glaring at Mingyu but when they saw me looking at them, they looked down.

As I was about to say something, we heard a loud angry growl.


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