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A lightning bolt? Perhaps a wave of roses washing through their bodies? It was near impossible for Ash to pinpoint what that feeling was, she never felt it before.

As for Silvanna, she took a deep gulp, she knew that feeling all too well. After countless relationships, she was familiar with the feeling of falling, falling in love. But she pushed it all away, the baby blue edging in on her feelings, the bright pink color of her notebook seemed to glisten too bright. She couldn't risk to fall again, to lose, to risk everything for another half hearted romance.

Ash and Silvanna hastily looked away, and pushed all those feelings away as best as they could. And then the bell rang, second period - Maths. Just great, Monday schedules are never right. Just before Ash could get up and talk to Silvanna as miserably as she didn't want to, a new Maths teacher walked in.

His facial expression clearly showed dissatisfaction, students in the class acting like a frenzy. Some were playing, some were sleeping, some were just chatting so loudly. Close to no one was sitting at their seats, not even Ash's seatmate Cassie.

"That is enough! Students, sit down!" He commanded, his voice was loud and stern, and it definetly reminded Ash of her step dad. No, not now  Ash thought to herself as she pushed those thoughts away.

"I am Mr. Wyatt and I will be your new Maths teacher. Violation of any rules in my classroom will be sent to the office right away. And when I'm talking in class, you shut up, no talking. Clear?" He said. Ash shot him an annoyed look and nodded, so did the others.

Ash tried her best to please every damn teacher even after all the incidents, but she hated teachers like these. They think they have control over your whole life when in truth they are just people with big egos. Silvanna noticed, and she smiled to herself. Yes, finally something in common, we both hate him. She thought to herself.

The rest of the lesson went on to be really boring, with the typical knocks on the desk when someone talks, the fake death stares he would give, as well as the constant checking of his watch. It annoyed Ash by every bit, because of how similar he is to her step-dad, because of how annoying his movements are.

Math class was unbearable, and Ash had no idea how she was going to stay in that class for the rest of the year. Time seemed to not end when in Maths class, especially with such a  boring teacher. But after what seemed like forever, the bell finally rang for break time.

Break time in Horizon was the absolute best, they served scrumptious waffles with chocolate drizzle, fresh sugary donuts and golden-yellow crossaints. Ash loved pastry, and she headed down to the cafeteria, eyes glistening with glee. Silvanna took in the smell around, the sugary butter, the smell of baked pastry straight out of the oven. She loved it, it reminded her of happiness in life.

The cafeteria was crowded, absolutely packed with people. There was barely any space to move, let alone secure a seat. Ash hated the fact that she wasn't fast enough, because the other classes got dismissed early and they were able to grab their seats. After buying a scrumptious waffle packed in a small paper, Ash walked towards the back alleys of the school, in which she could finally get a seat.

Ash leaned against the red brick wall at the back of the cafeteria, the busy chattering faded out of her mind. This place reminded her of the calm she felt after the incident, this was her safe spot, her place in school. Suddenly, her line of thoughts were disrupted by footsteps.

She looked up to see pretty brown eyes looking back at her, Silvanna. "How'd you find me?" Ash said, her voice toned with the slightest annoyance. "Pfft, it's not like I'm just out here finding you." Silvanna scoffed. Ash just rolled her eyes. "Okay fine, I guess I just took a little wrong turn and saw you all cramped up within these brick walls. What are you even doing here?" Silvanna asked nonchalantly.

That was definetly a lie. "Wrong turn" was not something you could do in this school, there were signs everywhere. "Not like it's any of your business, Silvanna. " Ash said, mocking. "Yo why you all fussy here? It's my first day man chill out. You hate me or something?" Silvanna fired back, her tone a little colder now.

Ash felt goosebumps in her arms. It was the first time she'd been intimidated. Not because she could hurt her, but because she didn't want to say yes or no. It would both be a losing situation for Ash. As these thoughts swirled around her head in a rush, the noise fading and her eyes reeling, she couldn't focus on a single emotion.

"Woah there, " Silvanna said as she waved a hand in front of Ash's eyes to get her back in focus. Ash's gaze dropped to a cold hard stare, she hated how weak she was around Silvanna. "What do you want from me." Ash said, monotone, no emotion despite the swirling of them in her head.

"Being friends, perhaps? And oh man, the pastry in Horizon is crazy good. I love the waffles." Silvanna replied, actually sounding cheerful. The brick wall was uneven, creating a little pocket just enough space for the both of them. Ash had one of her legs folded back and leaning on the wall, and Silvanna slid to her side, arms crossed.

"Fine, " Ash said as she looked away from Silvanna. "So back to the question, what are you doing in these walls? Smoking weed? You seem like the type." Silvanna chuckled, her index and middle finger holding a lollipop as if it was a cigarette. Classic. "If you're just here to annoy me, then congratulations you've suceeded. Now fuck off." Ash replied, tone harsh but guilty in the last few words.

"Jeez, hold your horses, I was just joking. Fine, if you insist, I'll leave." Silvanna said as she shrugged and turned to walk away. Despite how desperately Ash wanted to call her back, she didn't want to seem vulnerable, she didn't want to show her soft side. So staring at Silvanna's back slowly leaving, Ash took a big bite into her waffle.

After approximately five minutes of eating, Ash disposed the remaining paper into the trash bin and she headed her way back to class. The class was, again, a frenzy. They had another core subject after this, English. How boring, Ash thought. She looked around the class, Silvanna wasn't there.

But on Silvanna's table, that bright pink notebook, that diary that Ash so badly wanted to read for whatever reason. It was there, out in the open, free for anyone to access, Ash stared at the book, debating whether to take it. As she moved over to Silvanna's table and reached out for the book, a voice behind her exclaimed, "The hell do you think you're doing, Ash?!"

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