Chapter 2

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I was in the middle of a math class, trying my best to focus on the lesson, when a note was slipped onto my desk. I unfolded it discreetly, wondering what could be so urgent. The note simply read, "Principal's office - ASAP."

My heart raced as I excused myself from the class, my classmates giving me curious looks. I had no idea what this could be about, but it couldn't be good. I made my way to the principal's office, my mind racing with possibilities.

As I entered the office, I saw Principal Henderson sitting behind her desk, a serious expression on her face. But what caught my attention was the tall, buff girl standing beside her. She was unlike anyone I had ever seen before.

The girl had striking features—auburn hair pulled back in a tight bun, piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a hidden strength, and an aura of confidence that was hard to ignore. She wore a simple tracksuit that did nothing to hide her well-defined muscles. But what stood out the most were the two small horns on her forehead and the hint of a sharp tooth peeking out from her otherwise normal-looking mouth.

Principal Henderson cleared her throat. "Percy, this is Taylor. She'll be joining your classes from now on, and you'll be responsible for helping her settle in."

I blinked in surprise, unable to hide my curiosity. "Hi, Taylor. Nice to meet you. What brings you to Meriwether?"

Taylor remained silent, her eyes downcast. She seemed nervous, almost as if she were trying to hide something.

Principal Henderson continued, "Taylor has had a unique set of circumstances, and we believe it's best for her to integrate into a regular school environment."

I nodded, though I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The mist, the supernatural veil that concealed the truth from mortals, swirled around Taylor like a shimmering veil. I focused my senses and saw through it, my eyes widening in realization.

Taylor wasn't human at all. Beneath the mist, I saw her true form—a Kijin, a type of ogre from Japanese mythology. It was no wonder she had horns and a sharp tooth; these creatures were known for their distinctive features.

My thoughts raced as I tried to understand the situation. Why was a Kijin attending a regular high school? How had she hidden her true nature from the mortal world for so long?

Principal Henderson excused herself, leaving Taylor and me alone in her office. I turned to Taylor, my voice soft and reassuring. "Hey, it's okay. You can talk to me. What's going on?"

Taylor hesitated for a moment, her gaze locked on the floor. Finally, she spoke, her voice trembling. "I've never been to a place like this before. I've... I've always lived on the streets in an alleyway."

My heart went out to her as I listened to her story. She had lived a life of hardship, just like Tyson in my world. It was as if history were repeating itself, but with a unique twist.

"I got attacked by a Sphinx," Taylor continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought I was done for, but then I heard a voice telling me to come here, to this school."

I couldn't help but draw parallels to my own experiences. It was eerily similar to how Tyson had been attacked by a Sphinx and then guided to Camp Half-Blood. But instead of Tyson, it was Taylor who had been chosen.

I sighed, realizing that the reason I couldn't find Tyson was because he didn't exist in this world. Instead, Taylor had taken his place, and now I had a new responsibility.

I placed a hand on Taylor's shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "You're not alone in this, Taylor. Stick with me, and I'll make sure you're safe."


Helping Taylor adjust to her new life at Meriwether College Prep became my top priority. Each day after our classes, I would tutor her, making sure she understood the coursework and felt comfortable in a traditional school environment. Taylor was a quick learner, and her determination to fit in was evident.

One afternoon, as the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, I turned to Taylor with a reassuring smile. "You're getting the hang of this, Taylor. Keep up the good work."

She returned my smile, a newfound confidence shining in her eyes. "Thanks, Percy. I couldn't have done it without your help."

As we walked out of the school building, I noticed the sun dipping below the horizon. It was getting late, and there was no way that I would allow her to stay out in a cardboard box. Taylor started walking the other dierection and I called to her getting her attention.

"Taylor, we are going this way." I called to her as I walked to the right heading down the block. I heard her run up to catch up to me.

"were are we going?" She asked in confusion. "My home is the other way."

"Not anymore, you are coming with me." I responded as I reached the bus stop and payed the ticket for the both of us. I could tell Taylor was nervous. When we arrived at my house I had her wait by the door.

"Taylor, wait here for a moment," I spoke up unlocking the door, she nodded, understanding, and I made my way to my own home, where my mom and stepdad, Sally and Paul, were waiting.

As I entered the house, I took a deep breath, knowing I had to explain everything to them. The living room was bathed in the soft glow of afternoon sunlight, casting a warm ambiance over the space. My mom, engrossed in a book, looked up, her expression curious yet welcoming.

"Hey, Mom, Paul," I began, my voice steady but tinged with uncertainty. "I need to talk to you about something important."

Paul, always supportive and ready to lend an ear, set aside his newspaper, giving me his full attention. "Of course, Percy. What's on your mind?"

I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts. This was no ordinary conversation, and I needed to choose my words carefully. "I was hoping you would allow someone to stay here with us. Her name is Taylor, and I believe she is, well, like us."

Sally raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Taylor? And who might Taylor be?"

Before I could respond, Jackie, my half-hellhound sister, sauntered in from her bedroom, holding our younger sister Estelle in her arms. She looked happy to see me but couldn't resist her inquisitive nature.

"What's going on, guys?" Jackie asked, her tail wagging behind her.

I walked to the door, and a moment later, I returned with Taylor behind me. She was taller than me and tried to hide her nervousness but was failing miserably. She looked both nervous and hopeful, like a lost soul seeking refuge. "This is Taylor," I said, introducing her to my family.

Sally's eyes widened as she took in Taylor's appearance, her horns, and her sharp-toothed grin. It was clear that she had sensed something unusual about Taylor, even before I made the introduction.

"Hello, Taylor," Sally said warmly as she approached Taylor and patted her on her well-defined arms. "I'm Sally, Percy's mom. You can call me your mom as well if you want."

That simple gesture was all it took to break down Taylor's emotional barriers. She collapsed to the floor, sobbing, and hugged my mom tightly. It was a reminder that, despite her unique nature as a Kijin, she was still a child in need of love and acceptance.

Paul, stroking his beard thoughtfully, regarded me and then the emotional scene unfolding before him. "Percy, why don't you explain to me what's going on? Is Taylor not a human girl?"

I nodded, relieved that Paul had picked up on the situation so quickly. "Yes, Taylor is a Kijin, a type of ogre from Japanese mythology. She's been living alone in a alleyway in a cardboard box, I thought she deserved to have a place to call home."

Paul couldn't help but chuckle at the peculiar turn of events in our lives. "Hahaha, I never thought that my life would turn out like this. Percy, you certainly have a knack for bringing unique friends home. I hope you're not planning to form a harem."

"What? No!" I responded, my voice cracking in shock. The idea was so far from my mind that it caught me off guard.

Paul's laughter filled the room. "Relax, Percy. I'm just joking. Taylor is welcome here, just like any other friend of yours. Our family is a little... different, and that's what makes it special."

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