Chapter 1

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Enrolling at Meriwether College Prep marked a significant transition in my life. After all the larger-than-life adventures and mythological encounters, it felt like I was stepping into a whole new world, one where the challenges were less mythical but no less daunting. My mom, Sally, and my stepdad, Paul, had deliberated on the best path for my future, and even though I was initially hesitant, I agreed to give this normal life thing a shot.

The day we met with the school's principal, Mrs. Henderson, was a whirlwind of paperwork and awkward handshakes. Mrs. Henderson herself was a sharp, no-nonsense lady with a knack for keeping everything organized. I sat in her office, feeling somewhat out of place in the plush chair, as she meticulously explained the school's rules and expectations.

"Your academic record from Yancy Academy is quite impressive, Percy," Mrs. Henderson remarked while reviewing my transcripts. "We're thrilled to welcome you to Meriwether College Prep."

"Thank you," I replied, doing my best to sit up straight and make a good impression.

My mom, Paul, and my little sister Estelle sat beside me, offering their unwavering support. Paul gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze, and my mom beamed with a warmth that could rival even Apollo's radiance. She was visibly relieved that I was getting a chance at a more conventional education.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of paperwork, we reached the part where they handed me my class schedule.

Settling into life at Meriwether College Prep, I discovered that my previous experiences and knowledge provided me with an academic edge that made the transition surprisingly manageable. My college-level education from my demigod days meant that I had already tackled more advanced subjects than most high schoolers. I found myself effortlessly excelling in my classes, and it didn't take long for my classmates and teachers to notice my proficiency in various subjects.

In my history class, for example, I often found myself engaged in animated discussions about the finer points of ancient civilizations. I had, after all, encountered some of these civilizations firsthand during my quests. My classmates were astounded by my insights into Greek and Roman history, and I was more than happy to share my knowledge, helping them grasp even the most complex concepts.

During math and science classes, I willingly offered assistance to my peers who struggled with equations or experiments. I quickly became known as the go-to person for tutoring, and I relished the challenge of breaking down complex problems into easily digestible steps. My stepdad, Paul, who was an English teacher, had instilled in me a love for logical thinking, which I now eagerly passed on to my classmates.

As the weeks flowed by, I continued to make friends and engage in intriguing conversations. During lunch, Sophie, a girl I had met in my English class, voiced her doubts.

"Percy, do you genuinely believe in all that Greek mythology stuff you mentioned?" she inquired.

I shrugged with a wry smile. "Well, Sophie, let's just say I've seen some pretty strange things in my life. I prefer to keep an open mind."

Amid the backdrop of my school life, however, I couldn't let go of my quest to find Tyson. Every afternoon, after the last school bell had rung, I would set out to scour the alleyways, hoping against hope to catch a glimpse of Tyson's towering figure. I would inquire if anyone had seen a large homeless kid, but most folks either regarded me with suspicion, assuming I was some sort of undercover cop, or simply shook their heads, uninterested in my quest.

Every single day, I sought Tyson's whereabouts, and every day, he remained elusive. It was beyond frustrating. I needed to find him, not only because I knew he only had me but also because my plans hinged on his involvement.

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