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The Wizengamot Trial of Adhara Lovella Potter - August 24, 1991

In a grand chamber within the Ministry of Magic, the Wizengamot trial of Adhara Lovella Potter commenced. The chamber was filled with the finest witches and wizards, their robes adorned with various symbols and colors, all eager to witness this extraordinary case. Remus Lupin, standing at the center, looked determined as he prepared to fight for the guardianship of his goddaughter.

Remus Lupin: Rising to his feet, he cleared his throat and addressed the assembly 'Members of the Wizengamot, esteemed witches and wizards, today we gather to address a grave injustice suffered by a child, Adhara Lovella Potter. My accusation is against Albus Dumbledore, who, as an appointed magical guardian, has egregiously failed in his duties to protect and care for young Adhara.'

Remus began to present his evidence, confident and unwavering.

Remus Lupin: 'First and foremost, I submit the results of a comprehensive inheritance test, revealing a shocking truth. Albus Dumbledore, in his position as magical guardian, appointed himself without legal authority. He did so illegally, disregarding the rightful choice of godfather – myself, Remus Lupin. It is clear that he manipulated Adhara's situation to maintain control over her, a grave injustice to a defenseless child.'

The courtroom buzzed with murmurs and gasps as the members of the Wizengamot absorbed the shocking revelation.

Remus Lupin: 'Now, I present irrefutable evidence of Adhara Lovella Potter's physical suffering at the hands of the Dursleys, the family Dumbledore placed her with. Medical scans reveal severe physical abuse, malnourishment, and trauma. Every improperly healed broken bone, every scar – both new and old – serves as a testament to the neglect and cruelty she endured.'

The members of the Wizengamot couldn't help but feel a collective shiver of anger and empathy for the young girl.

Remus Lupin: He continued to lay out his case, displaying a series of photos to the assembly. 'Behold, the abhorrent conditions in which Adhara was forced to live. The tiny cupboard under the stairs, with no bed, old bloodstains, and claw marks, testifying to the years of torment she suffered. The words "Freak's Room" written in chalk, a heartbreaking reflection of her own self-worth imposed by those who were meant to care for her. Her "new" room as you can see has been fitted with bars on the windows, seven locks on the outside, and a cat flap on the door, akin to a prison cell.'

Remus Lupin's voice grew more impassioned as he revealed further evidence.

Remus Lupin: 'I present to you the scars on Adhara's back, evidence of belt lashings she endured. And, finally, Albus Dumbledore acted of his own accord and placed an illegal and altered magical block on her, which not only prevented her own magic from healing her properly from her years of abuse but was an attempt to hold back her true potential. This is not the life Adhara Lovella Potter deserved, and it is my duty to protect her and provide the love and care she has been unjustly denied. She saved you all as a mere baby, is it not only fair you save her in return? Has she not lost enough?'

As Remus Lupin concluded his presentation, the courtroom was filled with a resounding silence, the weight of the evidence and the shocking revelations weighing heavily on the hearts and minds of all those in attendance. 

Albus Dumbledore, the accused, stood before the Wizengamot, his eyes carrying the weight of the world and an aura of wisdom that had earned him the respect of many within the wizarding world. As he began to address the assembly, a hushed anticipation filled the chamber.

Albus Dumbledore: Clearing his throat, he spoke with a measured and somber tone 'Members of the Wizengamot, I stand before you today, accused of failing in my role as the Magical Guardian of Adhara Lovella Potter. I wish to shed light on the circumstances that led to the decisions I made in her best interest.'

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