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Before he could so much as blink, he landed with a loud thud on solid wood flooring.

"Ow..." He groaned, annoyed. "You need to work on your landing!" Sirius muttered bitterly, hoping Death heard him. He didn't need to move much to already know where Death had dropped him upon his return. He'd really gotta burn this place to the ground! Slowly, he picked himself up off the floor before a little "Pop!" sounded off from behind him, followed by a grumbling, croaky voice that could only belong to Kreacher.

"Who dares enter the House of Black!" Kreacher's voice echoed.

Naturally, Sirius got ready to turn around and berate the annoying elf before stopping and realizing—he was no longer Sirius Black. He could remember the memories of Adhara's that he'd seen, not clearly, but like a dream he'd had. Enough to remember that Kreacher was just as much a victim of the Black family as he was. Slowly, he turned around to face the old, grouchy house elf.

"Leo Black. I am the son of Sirius Black III," he announced calmly.

Kreacher narrowed his eyes accusingly back at him, and Leo raised his brow in response. "Kreacher thinks you lie! Kreacher knows—"

"Then let us check the tapestry, shall we?" Rebutted Leo, effectively cutting him off.

With a grumble, Kreacher hobbled to the room across the hall, followed by Leo, before they both inspected the tapestry. Kreacher's eyes widened as he looked at the newest branch extending from the scorched spot of Sirius Black III—marking the latest addition to the Black family tree: Leo Alphard Black I. Bloody hell! I'm actually on it!! He couldn't help but think to himself before calming his expression as Kreacher turned to face him.

"Master Leo Black, Kreacher must admit that you speak the truth..." Kreacher grumbled before continuing, "Kreacher serves the House of Black. It is not Kreacher's place to dispute the family tree. How can I serve you, Master Leo Black?"

Surprised by his easy acceptance, Leo spluttered a bit before clearing his throat. "I—I would like to go to Gringotts and uh—What's the date?" he added after staring at his smaller-than-remembered hands. Bloody hell, he's really a child again!

"As you wish... Today's date is Sunday, July 28th, 1991..."

"Right!" Leo quickly nodded in acceptance before adding, "Just call me Leo!"

Kreacher eyed him warily before hesitantly nodding. "As Master Leo wishes..."

"Pop!" Kreacher disappeared before another "Pop!" announced his return, holding a letter out to Leo.

"Master Leo, Your Hogwarts letter arrived..." Kreacher grumbled.

"Oh! Thank you, Kreacher!" Leo cheered appreciatively while plucking the letter out of his hands. If today was the 28th, that gave him three days before Hagrid took Adhara to Diagon Alley. He'd have to time his supply shopping to then so he could meet her sooner rather than later. When did the Weasleys go? He needs to get that rat... He trailed off his inner thoughts as he eyed Kreacher, with newfound determination.


"Yes, Master Leo."

"Just Leo, not Master," he mumbled quietly before shaking his head and returning to his original train of thought. "I know you hate my father, Sirius, but he is still a Black—and has been wronged!"

Kreacher's face morphed into a grimace at the mention of Sirius. Leo chose to ignore it and continued on. "He has been framed by a traitorous rat, and I need your help in capturing him and ensuring justice for the Black name!" he finished confidently.

Kreacher seemed to be fighting a war in his head before reluctantly nodding. "Kreacher... will help... Kreacher lives to serve the House of Black."

"Right! Off to Gringotts. Keep an eye out for the Weasley family. Their daughter Muffy has a rat that is secretly an Animagus! You need to capture it without anyone knowing," Leo instructed.

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