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'Please, Hagrid,' Adhara pleaded, adorably.

"Oh - Alright! I guess so -"

"Yes!" Leo cheered, and before Remus or Hagrid could say anything else, he quickly grabbed Adhara's hand and led her towards Fortescue's. With a chime of the bell announcing their arrival, Leo quickly brought Adhara to the selections.

"What kind do you want?" Leo asked, looking at her.

Adhara pursed her lips. "I don't know, I never tried ice cream before... I'll get what you get." She smiled.

Leo smiled back as he clenched his other fist tightly behind his back. Those damn Dursleys... he needed to get her far away from them!

"Let's start with the basics. One scoop chocolate, one scoop vanilla, and one scoop strawberry," Leo stated as he ordered their ice cream cups.


Remus and Hagrid took a seat outside the ice cream parlor.

"What led to you escorting Adhara... I thought her relatives would have..." Hagrid sighed as he looked into the window at Leo and Adhara eating their ice cream.

"The Dursleys ain't no kind people, Remus. Something's off... Adhara's a sweet girl - she deserves better than how they treat her," Hagrid mumbled.

"Treat her?" Remus inquired, worriedly. Dumbledore had assured him she'd be taken care of properly.

"Look at her, Remus. She's smaller than the others her age, thin as a stick almost, and the things they said... called her. Let alone, threatened in front of me... imagine what they'd do without someone like me present," Hagrid whispered, sadly.

Remus turned to look at Adhara; she was very small for her age... and her clothes were definitely not her size at all, too baggy and looked as if she could drown in them.

"Poor thing, she didn't even know today was her birthday. She was surprised when I brought her a birthday cake," Hagrid added.

"You're not taking her back, are you?" Remus mumbled out, concern written all over his face.

"I'm afraid I have to, Remus. It's Dumbledore's orders, y'see. There ain't much I can do 'bout it," Hagrid sighed, regretfully before adding, "Don't worry, Remus. I'll have a word with Dumbledore, and I believe he'll definitely help Adhara out."

Remus sighed, as he nervously bounced his leg.

"Hagrid, I understand Dumbledore's orders, and if she's suffered as much as you say, she deserves a safe and caring environment. Let her stay with me and Leo for the rest of the summer. I'll make sure she's cared for, and we can keep her away from any more suffering. It's the best thing for her, and I know you want what's best," Remus urged, before quickly adding, "And once you tell Dumbledore, I'm sure he'd agree."

Hagrid looked to be debating between obeying Dumbledore's orders and Adhara's safety.

"Well, I reckon you've got a point there. It's just... it's hard seein' her go back there, y'know? But if it's for the best, I suppose I'll have to talk to Dumbledore and see what he says about it. In the meantime, I s'pose she can go with you," Hagrid stood to his feet. "I best be goin' now, Remus. I'll write to ya once I've had a chat with Dumbledore."

Remus got to his feet as well. "Thank you, Hagrid, and I'll be waiting to hear from you." With one last nod and glance at Adhara, Hagrid turned and left. Remus sat back down as he glanced back into the ice cream parlor at Leo and Adhara, letting out a sullen sigh.


"So, which one do you like best?" Leo asked with a smile.

Adhara hummed in thought. "I think I slightly prefer the chocolate over the vanilla... not a fan of the strawberry, much."

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