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King Ragnok and Throgar ceased their whispering and browsing, turning their attention back to Adhara and Leo.

"What is going on, Miss Potter? It seems you have been dealt a great injustice," King Ragnok stated firmly. "You were never meant to be placed with the Dursleys, and Albus Dumbledore was never meant to be your Magical Guardian—clearly, he has not fulfilled his duty."

Throgar held up several parchments that the goblin brothers had delivered. "Your medical history... it states every injury and illness you've experienced and the current status of your health." Throgar's expression darkened. "You have a number of bones that have healed incorrectly, bruised ribs, reopened wounds on your back, malnourishment, an illegally placed magical block, and an anomaly that the tests could not pinpoint."

Adhara worried her bottom lip. "An anomaly?" she inquired, while Leo asked, "A magical block?"

The goblins hummed before addressing their queries. "We do not know why it's marked as unidentifiable for you... we have every known species keyed into our tests. It appears there is one we must not have," Throgar explained, eyeing Adhara with interest. "As for a Rekindlorem, it is the term for those born from old magical bloodlines of cast-out squibs. Rekindlorem's are the ones strong enough to restore magic to their bloodlines, though the ignorant refer to them as 'Muggleborns'," he added, with a hint of disappointment.

"So, what happens now?" Adhara hesitantly asked, prompting a shift in the goblins' expressions to anger.

"It is a complicated matter. Unfortunately, Albus Dumbledore managed to illegally designate himself as your Magical Guardian and placed you unlawfully with the Dursleys through the Ministry's means," King Ragnok muttered, seething with anger. "Gringotts operates under its own laws and protocols, in contrast to those of the Ministry. It's a first-come, first-served situation. As you're already filed as such in the Ministry, your rightful guardian will have to petition for custody of you through the Ministry."

"But Dumbledore has the Ministry under his control!" Leo protested anxiously.

"You will need to secure a full Wizengamot trial. With evidence of your mistreatment and a solid defense, you should emerge victorious... even wizards aren't as heartless as to leave a child in such a dire situation," King Ragnok stated, though his tone suggested he was trying to convince himself as much as Adhara. Throgar rose from his seat. "I will go and contact your rightful guardian, Miss Potter," he declared, heading towards the door.

However, he paused as Leo interjected, "He's not home, he's in a meeting with Dumbledore."

Throgar's gaze flickered between Leo and the others before nodding. "Very well. I shall return once I have more information," he said before exiting the room, the heavy door clicking shut behind him.

Adhara's eyes darted anxiously between King Ragnok and Leo. "What are we going to do now?" she whispered, her voice quivering slightly.

King Ragnok let out a deep, rumbling sigh. "You'll need to gather your evidence and build a strong case for the trial, ensuring that every detail of your mistreatment is documented and presented before the Wizengamot."

Leo nodded, his jaw clenched in determination. "We have to find every bit of proof we can. Any records, witnesses, anything that can show how the Dursleys have treated you over the years."

Adhara's shoulders slumped, a wave of exhaustion washing over her. "But how do we even start? Everything at the Dursleys' is always so... secretive. They make sure no one sees how they treat me and have convinced all the neighbors I'm nothing but a troubled miscreant they took in out of the kindness of their hearts," she finished, hopelessly.

King Ragnok's eyes glittered with fierce resolve. "Gringotts has its ways, and we will use them to uncover the truth." Placing a heavy hand on her shoulder, he added, "You are not alone in this, Miss Potter. The Potter family has always been kind to Gringotts... we will ensure justice for its heiress."

Adhara's eyes brimmed with tears as she looked up at King Ragnok, overwhelmed by the support and determination he had shown. "Thank you, King Ragnok," she said, her voice quivering with gratitude. Leo squeezed her hand comfortingly. "We'll get through this, Adhara. Together! I promise," he stated confidently. "We'll start by gathering what we can here at Gringotts. Throgar will return soon, and we'll build our case from there." King Ragnok nodded, his features softening slightly.


An hour later, Throgar returned with a confused Remus. "Children?" Remus questioned as soon as he entered the office and saw them. "Hi, Remus," they chorused, Leo with a smirk and Adhara with an anxious smile. "I thought you two were just going for ice cream..." He trailed off as he took a seat next to Adhara.

"We were! Honest! But Adhara had never gotten an inheritance test done, so... ta-da!" Leo beamed. "How was your meeting?" Adhara asked, anxiously.

Remus opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before forcing out, "Disappointing..." "Didn't go how you expected, did it!" Leo snarked, crossing his arms with a dramatic huff.

"What—" Leo cut Remus off as he stated, quite simply, "Look at her test." Remus glanced at Adhara, who nodded in agreement. Remus then looked to Throgar and grabbed the test he was holding out for him to take.

His jaw slowly dropped, and he began to pale the more he read. Adding to his shock, Throgar pushed the stack of parchments towards Remus, showcasing Adhara's medical test results. Remus couldn't believe his eyes as he reviewed Adhara's test results. His face turned a ghostly shade of white, and his hands trembled as he continued to scan the documents. The room fell into an uneasy silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of parchment as Remus examined the overwhelming evidence before him.

Leo leaned over and gently squeezed Adhara's hand again, offering her a reassuring smile. King Ragnok, who had been observing the situation closely, broke the silence. "It seems we have uncovered something quite significant," he remarked, his tone a mixture of concern and determination. "Mr. Lupin, what do you make of this?"

The severity of the abuse she had endured was undeniable, leaving Remus at a loss for words. Adhara watched Remus closely, her anxious smile giving way to a mixture of emotions, ranging from fear to hope. She knew that this revelation could change everything, but she also worried about how it would affect Remus.

Remus finally managed to find his voice. "I can't believe they did this to you, Adhara," he said, his eyes filled with anger and sorrow. "But we'll make sure they pay for it. No one should ever have to endure what you've been through."

"And Dumbledore?" Leo asked before adding, "Dumbledore intended to send her back to the Dursleys, didn't he? That was the purpose of his summoning you." As the weight of Leo's words settled in the room, Remus's expression darkened further. The name of his former mentor, a figure he had respected for so long, now seemed tainted. Adhara's grip on Leo's hand tightened, a silent plea for support and reassurance. The others in the room watched Remus closely, waiting for his response.

"I trusted him," Remus muttered, his voice thick with disillusionment. "I trusted him with her safety." His gaze flickered towards Adhara, the pain etched deep in his eyes. "H-He said... How could he have intended to send her back to that place?" The bitterness in his voice was palpable, his fists clenched in barely suppressed fury.

King Ragnok's brow furrowed as he observed Remus's distress. Remus looked at Adhara, "Adhara, I... I'm so sorry. I never knew. I—" Adhara looked up at him and placed her other hand over his. "It's okay, Remus. I don't blame you."

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