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They spent another hour inside Gringotts going over the proper paperwork and bank statements before finally Remus signed the papers, officially agreeing to be Leo's guardian. Reluctantly, he also accepted the money that was to be given to the guardian of Leo for each month until Leo became of age. It was a standard contract for purebloods to automatically have in their files in case of situations such as this. With that reasoning, Leo managed to convince Remus to accept it. After all, how could someone expect you to take care of their child if you couldn't even take care of yourself?

The goblin looked down at the last file in his hand. "Who will you be naming for the House of Black seats until you take on Headship?" He grumbled, staring straight at Leo.

"Seats... right, uh—" He cut himself off as his gaze shifted to Remus. He doesn't have a job, and he was always the smartest out of the Marauders... "How about you?" He stated confidently.

"ME!?" Remus paled, looking back at him shocked. "I—I'm part werewolf... I don't even think I'd be allowed to—"

"Surprisingly, there are no rules against werewolves having a seat on the Wizengamot," Leo stated with a wide grin.


"Won't you do it? I don't know anyone else... and I am clearly too young to do it," Leo urged.

Remus sighed, "The House of Black is a dark-aligned house, I couldn't possibly—"

"Was," Leo stated, cutting him off. "The House of Black was a dark-aligned house. Now, I plan on changing it to gray. Besides, dark or not shouldn't matter. Aren't you classified as part dark creature, being a werewolf and all?" He finished with a raised brow, receiving a perplexed look in return from Remus and surprisingly even the goblin.

"How do you know this? Aren't you new—"

Leo internally panicked for a moment before spluttering out, "I read ahead! I wanted to know what I was getting myself into and stopped by the bookshop. So, will you do it?" He quickly asked, directing the topic back to Remus.

Remus gave him a quizzical look before relenting, "I guess... I could until you come of age," he forced out.

The goblin looked from Leo to Remus in shock for a second before resuming his usual sneer. "I will get the ring," he said and quickly left the room.

Remus eyed Leo suspiciously. "How do you know all of this?"

"I told you, I read ahead," Leo mumbled, eyeing anything but Remus.

"But—" Whatever Remus was going to say was cut off by the return of the goblin.


Kreacher skulked about invisibly throughout Diagon Alley, looking around for the filthy blood traitors and the rat, but with no such luck. Then he felt the Black family magic alert him to his new master's calls and quickly appeared before Master Leo, sporting a grumpy grimace. His grimace turned into a sneer upon noticing the filthy half-breed next to his master. "Yes, Master Leo... How can Kreacher help?"

Leo looked at Kreacher with narrowed eyes, as if he knew exactly what the elf had been thinking, before letting out a sigh. "Kreacher, this is Remus Lupin. My guardian, so you will treat him with respect. We are relocating from Grimmauld Place to Mors Cottage."

Remus offered a kindly nod to Kreacher. "Pleasure to meet you, Kreacher."

Kreacher grumbled bitterly under his breath as he hesitantly nodded in return. Then Kreacher's eyes widened horrified when realization dawned on him about relocating. "We can't!" Kreacher protested in a panic, unable to stop himself.

Leo looked at Kreacher. "I will allow you to bring a few items... but they can't be cursed or too dark."

Kreacher opened and closed his mouth before reluctantly nodding. "Yes, Master Leo..."

"No, Master, just Leo," he repeated, with a slight grimace.

"Well, shall we, uh, begin your back-to-school shopping or—"

"No. Let's just go to the cottage. I prefer to do my supply shopping on the... in a couple of days," he corrected.

"Kreacher, we'll see you in an hour at Mors Cottage," Leo stated before grabbing onto the portkey in Remus's hand and activating it. With a twist and a nauseating pull, they disappeared from Diagon Alley, landing on a rocky pathway leading up to a large cottage on a beautiful and secluded island. This definitely wasn't the style of any of his relatives... Did Death add this? Remus' jaw dropped in shock. "I thought you chose a Cottage..." He whispered, grabbing the parchment and eyeing it as if it would state something else.

Leo smirked up at him. "I did. Mo—" He cut himself off and quickly diverted attention before Remus could realize he almost called him Moony. "Let's go in!" They approached the large black and grey cobblestoned cottage with colorful stained glass windows and creeping vines crawling up the sides. "Bloody hell! It's even larger on the inside..." Remus whispered under his breath as they took one step inside, and he eyed the large art nouveau foyer. "Wicked skylight," Leo smirked, looking up at the sky.


"Freak!" Uncle Vernon called. "Get me my tea, now," he demanded as he sat in his armchair and unfolded the paper.

"Y-Yes, Uncle Vernon," she whispered quietly, quickly rushing into action. As she waited for the kettle, she anxiously chewed her bottom lip as she gazed out the window in thought. Who was sending her letters? Was someone really looking for her? With a sigh, she leaned onto her fist. Was her name really Adhara Potter? Not freak—

The kettle began to whistle, bringing her out of her pondering, before she quickly rushed to get Uncle Vernon his tea and gently placed it on the side table next to him. Her attention shifted to the window. She could have sworn she saw something fly past it... and then she heard it. Better yet, they all heard it. Adhara and the Dursleys turned their heads to the chimney full of curiosity and apprehension. Suddenly, a letter shot out and hit Vernon in the face. Petunia and Dudley gasped, as Vernon stared perplexed at the chimney. Adhara swallowed a nervous lump in her throat as the house began to shake.

"What is that!? What are you doing!?" Shouted a red-faced Vernon, eyeing Adhara angrily.

"N-Nothing! I—I swear, it i—isn't me!" She stuttered as she anxiously backed away from him. Then, more letters burst forth from the chimney, a great deal more—and began flying around the room wildly.

Adhara stared gobsmacked before feeling a sudden urge of determination and quickly plucked one off the ground and ran for it. Uncle Vernon, unfortunately, spotted her and quickly stood up to stop her. "GIVE ME THAT LETTER!!" He thundered out as he seized her by the waist.

"N-No! It's mine!" She yelled, trying to keep it out of his reach. His fat fingers managed to clamp onto it and ripped it out of her hands before he tossed her back into her cupboard and locked it. "That's it!! Pack your things!!! WE'RE GOING AWAY!! FAR AWAY! WHERE THEY CAN'T FIND US!!!!" He shouted from the top of his lungs, his face turning a vibrant shade of red. And so, they did. The next couple of days they went from place to place, but the letters followed, leading to her huddling up in a ball on the dirty floor in a grim little shack on a rock in the midst of a storm. The loud crashes of waves and roars of thunder were all that could be heard. She was so cold and hungry, part of her couldn't help but secretly wish that the ceiling caved in to put an end to her misery—but also it might be warmer if it did. She stared at the watch on Dudley's large wrist as he slept on the couch undisturbed. The second it ticked midnight, a great loud bang erupted from the front door. Adhara quickly pushed herself up in shock as Dudley rolled off the couch in alarm. BANG!


Leo lay in bed, unable to sleep. His mind was constantly playing the multitude of scenarios for his trip to Diagon Alley. Tomorrow—or better yet, today, he corrected as he noticed it was past midnight—was the day he'd finally have a chance to see Adhara. Tossing and turning, his mind gnawed at him with anxiety. What if he messed up? What if he accidentally made things worse? Or what if she didn't like him? Didn't want to be friends with him? He let out a puff of air. "What if I fail... ?" He whispered amidst the silence of his dark room.

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