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[you read angst you get it 😈😈]

[3 years later]

I hate kyle, i hate his stupid hair, i hate his pale skin, i hate the way he thinks. I hate the way he left me behind, i hate the way he didnt even call. I hate him. (please tell me you bet this ref)

Kyle moved to go to college. After the incident that happened between me and wendy a few years back, we got closer. We never officially dated but ut was close enough.

I mean, who just fucking tells someone they love them and is constantly with them and constantly all lovey with them, and then just leaves.

He left for college and not even three weeks later got a girlfriend. Im so sick of this. I wish I would've stayed at my housr that night.

[4 months later]

I picked up drinking again. Ike has been over alot, tweek and craig are getting married apparently, im invited, i think im gonna go.

[2 months later]

Kyle was at the wedding. He can respond to someone who he hasnt seen in years so go to their wedding but not text me once?? I mean he looked at me and then instantly walked away. What did i do so wrong.????

[2 years later]

I have a girlfriend, her name is isabella. Shes awesome. We just got a house together. When i was at work she said someone dropped by and asked to see me. She didnt say a name but said he was super tall and looked like a business man. And that he left a note, but she didnt open it.

When i got home she was still at work. It was like noon or something. I walked into the kitchen and on the counter there was a envelope with my name on the front.

My hear immediately sank. Thats kyles hand writing. I mean, the last time i seen his hand writing was seinor year, so like almost four years ago.

I sat down and staired at it before i opened it.

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