Is it over?

279 7 9

[lol i forgot about this tbh]

Kyle came into the room and seen me laying down on the floor. "dude.." he said. "what..?" I asked. "cmon, come sleep in my room, we can talk in the morning, okay?"

I got up with the blanket and the stuffed animal and followed kyle to him room. When we got in there i laid down on his floor.

"you- dumbass get off the floor, i dont have a queen bed for you to sleep on the floor." Kyle stood with his arms crossed.

"oh, sorry" i said, i didnt want to piss him off anymore in any sort of way. "dont be sorry. Just lay down dude." He said with a more reassuring grin.

I sat down at the edge of the bed and kyle was on the bed In between the wall and me. He still has his sweater on. "You uh, you gonna take your sweater off?" I said.

"no im okay." Kyle said on his phone. "Oh okay, im sorry by the way. I dont know how i made you hate me but im sorry." I spoke.

He didnt say anything. I started to speak again. "And I swear i did my best to try not to hurt wendy, and it is my fault completely, and im sorry that i broke our promise, and im s-" He cut me off. "Just shut up"
I didnt even get time to say 'huh' before he grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me. I was kinda shocked, wasn't surprised tho.

After like 30 ish seconds he pulled away, then he looked at me. "Uh.. thanks...??" Honestly i didnt know what to say, because i only had kissed wendy before.

Kyle giggled and laid down. I laid down too, i almost immediately fell asleep.

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