Mia looks at me like she's waiting for me to say I'm just kidding and that what I'm saying is a joke, once she realizes that I'm serious— her eyes widen a bit before a mischievous smile appears on her pretty red lips.

"And you think Leighton's that right person?"


"I'm not blind. I have eyes, we all do. Literally."

Well I guess we are busted after all.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Is it that obvious?" Says the one who's constantly giving longing looks across the room. Yes, it's incredibly obvious." Mia teases.

"Okay but you and Jamie weren't even trying to hide it during Christmas." I retort.

"Let's not bring that up."

"Why not? You can tease me about Leighton but I can't even mention Jamie?" I tease.

"What's going on with you guys anyway?" I ask reluctantly. I don't want to ask too many questions, considering it's not any of my business.

Yet, I can't help it.

Jamie and Mia have always fascinated me, despite all my efforts to not pry.

"We're not anything as of right now. Or probably ever." Mia clarifies. Her tone seemingly annoyed by the topic. I'm completely taken aback, if anything— I thought they were seriously together. Just not out in the open yet.

I cock my head to the side, my brows furrowed. "Elaborate." I tease a bit, a sly smile coming up to my lips.

Mia groans. Her beautiful verdant eyes gaze down at the silverware as she replies, "I just didn't expect him to get so attached you know?"

"I mean, the sex is excellent. It's.. beyond excellent. But that's all it is."

"I simply just mistook it for something more and yes I care about him, we've known each other for a while now but.."

She pauses, thinking about how to explain what she wants to say.

"Some people can connect as easily as breathing. Others, can't."

I understand where she's coming from. I couldn't feel for Aidan what I felt for Leighton, I do care about him. It's just in a different way.

"I get it. Exactly why I hate feelings, they make everything too messy and complicated."

"Exactly! Thank you, now I don't have to feel like a bitch for not being madly in love with him."

I laugh a bit before stating, "You do have to tell him that though. You shouldn't lead him on."

"I know, I know. But same goes for you."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Do you really not see it? My brother is in love with you."

For some reason, my heart actually does skip a beat and it almost feels as though the air has been knocked out of my body. I can't even imagine it.

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