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Monday, October 18th.

"So how was it?" Hayden asks Leighton as they lay in the lounge of their university. "How was what?"

"Well I don't know all the sparring details as I was black out drunk— but what I do know is that a certain raven haired girl stayed at your place this weekend." Leighton rolled his eyes. He was already growing a bit irritated with the conversation.

"Nothing happened." Hayden shook his head, "I don't believe that. The sexual tension was definitely there."

"I hope not. I actually think she's the one for me." Aiden cuts in as he was slumped over on the couch he and Hayden shared. Hayden laughs, "This is why you're single, you obsess over every single girl you meet."

"Yeah and don't ever say that shit again. Especially not to her face." Hayden continues to laugh hysterically, they might have been a little high.

Though, Leighton felt completely sober. "Leighton I thought you hated her?" He was right, he did.

Things had became complicated after the weekend so much so he was actually nervous about meeting her today.

He felt as though their severely wounded relationship was healing, slowly but surely.

Yesterday, he had seen Alea John in a whole new light, he had never been comfortable enough with anyone to ever confide in them about his family issues and though he didn't completely confide in her about absolutely everything, he did confide in her, which has to count for something right?

Usually after sharing something so deep and personal with someone, he would almost always regret it.

Always feeling as though he shouldn't have said anything in the first place, he was used to his feelings being discarded and invalidated and yet she comforted him.

She let him know he wasn't alone and as much as he hated to admit it, he appreciated it.

It was something he'd never had other than his sister before, someone to comfort him.

Though he's not sure what that now means, are they friends now? Is all forgiven? Or are they just going to go back and pretend like nothing happened?

"I do."

"You don't look like you hate her." Aiden chipped in, a bit bitterly.

"Maybe hate's an overstatement." Hayden suggested.

"It's 5:42, shouldn't you be on your way by now?" Aiden said checking his watch. "Yeah, I guess."


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