(Halloween Ep.) Katsuki Bakugo

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(Y/n) was very well known in his town for studying the use of rare gems. He tried his best to collect all types that possessed magic. It had taken him years to do it but he had just a little over a hundred gems. Collecting them was almost an obsession. He couldn't help it, they were bright and most of the time glowed. The (h/c)ette would use the gems as decoration or even as lamps. The ones he found had stronger magic were the ones he would use for himself.

He was hardly ever attacked thanks to the magic, though the gems were incredibly hard to find. About a week ago, (y/n) had been in a neighboring town where he heard people talking about Dragons. The (h/c)ette knew they enjoyed collecting shining things, but the dragons the townfolk talked about were different. They had spoken of a giant red dragon that goes by the name Kirishima. He was said to enjoy all things gorgeous and enjoyed all kinds of shiny stones. Kirishima was a well-known dragon, he was a companion of the soon-to-be dragon king. Naturally, (y/n) grew curious. He was quick to do research.

"A fire-breathing Dragon and his king." The (h/c)ette smiled to himself. The information he had gathered was not as much as he expected but it was enough to give him a location. The great red dragon came from a clan of fire users. It was the general term and his king whose name was Katsuki was a descendant of them as well. The only difference was, he appeared more human than the red one. (y/n) was dead set on it, he would start his journey up the mountains in an attempt to reach the highest peak. They said that the king collected only the best and rare magic stones.

The (h/c)ette needed to take a few, more so for his own use than for his research. Survival was important to him. He was quick to pack a bag with everything he thought he needed before setting out.

If there was someone he could pay to fly him up there he would. The more and more he asked around no one was willing. They said they'd bring him halfway but he would have to walk the rest. They all seemed terrified to reach the top but that only made (y/n) even more determined to get there. It wasn't that big of a shock to the (h/c)ette. People seemed to be scared of dragonkind regardless of how powerful they were. It was a shame really, but people will always be afraid of something they don't know.

After finding someone to take him halfway he started his flight up. The ride was a little rocky and the pilot almost turned back but he made it. "Get out and don't try to find a way back down. They say the journey down is deadlier than it is to go up." The man smiled at the (h/c)ette before disappearing. He would need to inform the king of his visitor.

"I didn't even get to say thank you, shame." (y/n) started his walk, it was hot out but the trees were abnormally large in these parts. He would have good shade and some breeze. During his journey, the (h/c)ette was able to collect items for his home. Most of it was plants he had been needing to restock on but it didn't matter. That was some coin he could keep in his pocket.

Night one for him was colder than he had expected and he wasn't prepared at all. He tried his best to create a fire but the winds were too strong. The only thing he could afford to do was pile on all the clothing he had and yet it still wasn't enough. "If I die up here, it would be so lame." (y/n) tried his best to sleep but it didn't work. He was too cold so instead he kept moving. The (h/c)ette had pulled out a flashlight in an attempt to light his way but the light didn't seem bright enough. At this point he had been wandering aimlessly, he was freezing and couldn't see at all. He wanted to turn around, who cares about magic enough to give their life? whoever it was, was certainly not (y/n).

"Maybe I'm crazy but I swear that's a light." The (h/c)ette saw a glowing orb, he guessed it was at the peak of the mountain but it certainly wasn't a place where he was ending up. That much was clear now. (y/n) was tired and decided just to sleep it off, if he didn't wake up then at least he tried to escape his fate. His last attempt at survival was shooting a flare upward before sitting against a tree. After a little while the (h/c)ette closed his eyes. His throat was dry which made him regret not trying to find a river earlier. He had gone through his water quickly but there was nothing he could do now.

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