(Birthday Ep.) Amajiki, Tamaki

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(y/n) had been steadily catching feelings for his friend for over three years. The two had been inseparable since the second grade of primary school. Though now that the two were in high school it was harder for (y/n) to see his friend. The (h/c)ette was missing the one thing that would ensure he would see his adorable friend every day, a quirk. (l/n) had been struggling with the separation ever since the start of their high school career and now they were fourth years. "Can I see you today?" The (h/c)ette was currently on the phone with Tamaki.

He waited for a while before calling since he knew the other male would be busy, he was a U.A. student after all. "I.. don't know. I have a lot of training and um, Mirio wanted to hangout." Tamaki was a timid person and he normally avoided confrontation and saying no in order not to cause extra conflict but he had been friends with (y/n) almost as long as Mirio and he was comfortable speaking with both of them. Since they had graduated from junior high the shorter male had been playfully flirting with Amajiki but to the hero student it didn't mean much besides embarrassment.

"I never get to see you these days, Tenshi." (y/n) spoke softly as he used the nickname for his friend. After their first year of highschool the pair of friends saw each other less and less. It only bothered the (h/c)ette because he wasn't sure if it was due to school or Mirio Togata. "I don't know if I can make it to you before it gets late." Tamaki wasn't entirely sure what to say. He knew his excuse wasn't nearly as good as it should've been. "My school is close to yours but I understand if you're busy." (y/n) muted the mic for a moment as he verbally expressed how upset he was.

He had gone out of his way to switch schools so he could be closer to the friend he fancied. "I do.. um miss you, oh god, this is so embarrassing. I'll try to see you tomorrow or if you want to come here you can." Tamaki felt his face flush, he felt like there were a lot of people listening to his conversation. He didn't like feeling embarrassed. "I'll come see you today. Please make time for me, Tenshi." (y/n) had started to pack his things up in a hurry. School had ended for him and he wanted to make it to U.A. as soon as he could. Of course he knew that his friend would probably have to train even when
(l/n) got there.

"Just text me when you're on your way." Amijiki sighed as he hung up the phone, he was nervous now. He knew he had to tell Mirio he couldn't hangout. Even though he had met both of his friends around the same time in his life, the blonde and the
(h/c)ette didn't get along and it was always a mystery as to why. Tamaki knew it wasn't particularly (y/n)'s fault, for many of unknown reasons Mirio wasn't a large fan of the short male. After fifteen minutes the teen arrived outside of U.A.'s gate, he was slightly out of breath from having rushed over by foot. He had gotten caught up with one of his teachers on the way out which is the reason he had taken so long.

The (h/c)ette waited outside knowing he wasn't allowed to go in. A few minutes passed before Tamaki and a handsome looking man appeared. The closer they got the easier it was for (y/n) to know who the man was. "Hi, I'm sorry for the inconvenience." (l/n)'s face flushed the pro hero next to his friend had been his so called celebrity crush for many years. Aizawa's expression didn't change but there was a look in his eyes that told the (h/c)ette he knew what his intentions were. "Just see me on your way out so I know you left." Aizawa left quickly not wanting to be part of that any longer. Teenagers these days were such a pain in his ass.

"Mirio wasn't too upset, was he?"
(y/n) was genuinely curious to know the answer, he knew that Tamaki spent all his time with the blonde now and he knew how nice it was to have Amajiki around. "I don't want to think about that. How have you been?" It was odd, initially the taller male was nervous to see the (h/c)ette again after so long but it came with ease. The shorter male talked Tamaki's ear off until they got to the training grounds. "I didn't mean to talk a lot. I just miss you so much." (y/n) began to feel a large mix of emotions swirl in him and he tried his best to push them down.

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