(Christmas EP. Takami, Keigo)

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DISCLAIMER: I know Christmas isn't the only holiday celebrated in December. I'm not super educated on the other holidays but If you'd like a chapter with the one you celebrate I can try! I hope you can still enjoy it.

(y/n) had been in a hurry trying to set the Christmas decorations up. He woke up late and wanted to have everything finished by the time his boyfriend got home from work. However, the only thing he seemed to manage so far was making a mess on the floor and putting cookies in the oven. He was worried that he the hero would be home any moment.

The (h/c)ette was quick to take the tree out from their storage closet and set it up, but now all the ornaments were on the floor. (y/n) heard the keys jingling outside causing him to panic. He tried his best to get to the door but ended up tripping. Instinctively, the (h/c)ette clutched at the necklace he was wearing. He had expected to hit the floor, but instead, his body hit ruffled fabric. "Can't leave you alone for a second, can I?" Keigo looked at his lover. He had been struggling with his keys, but the moment he felt the tingle of his feathers, he was quick to get into the house.

"Sorry, I know you're tired." Despite the apology, the blonde could feel how the other male's body relaxed into his. "So, what's with all the.. decorations?" Keigo smiled at (y/n). He could smell the cookies. It was clear that the shorter male was having trouble setting up by himself. "In my defense, you normally do the decorating." The (h/c)ette felt his face flush. He had failed miserably at doing something nice for his boyfriend.

"Hm, I might have to give you a prize for trying so hard. I'll get cleaned up and help finish up here." The blonde kissed the other male gently before disappearing. (y/n) smiled a little to himself. He adored how Keigo never scolded him for making a mess of things. The taller male always gave him praise. It was a mystery to the (h/c)ette how he had gotten so lucky. The hero never complained about having to help out.

"Fuck, the cookies." (y/n) quickly rushed to the kitchen and took the cookies out of the oven. He was crossing his fingers in hopes that they weren't burnt. At the risk of destroying one of the cookies, he removed one of them to check the bottom. A sigh of relief left his lips as he saw that the bottoms weren't burnt.

(y/n) felt arms wrap around his waist causing a smile to form on his lips. "Those look delicious." Keigo placed a kiss on the other male's neck. "You were quick today." The (h/c)ette noticed how it had only taken a few minutes. "I wanted to finish setting up. We could wash up together you know. Save some water." The blonde smiled, coming home at the end of his day was all he looked forward to. "Alright, but only cause it's better for the planet." (y/n) laughed a little. He always had to be careful when leaving the house but it didn't bother him.

He knew being with the hero was risky but at least they could act however they wanted at home. "Has the organization thought about it yet?" The shorter male knew it was a touchy subject for the other but he was curious. They walked toward the bathroom in silence for a moment. The blonde didn't know what to say. He was sure that the other male was tired of having to run around in secret.

"They still aren't that convinced that I can do my job efficiently with a lover. They did say that they would start considering it, as long as you don't get in the way of my work." The hero knew the last part sounded bad but that's exactly how the boss said it. "That's alright. We're one step closer, besides, I'd never get in the way of your work." (y/n) smiled as they both entered the bathroom. They were quick to undress and step into the shower.

"I know your body is probably sore, do you want cold?" The (h/c)ette hated cold showers but he took them often with the other male. He knew spending time with his boyfriend was limited so he took all the chances he could get to be by his side. "Warm would be good. Work wasn't really busy today so I didn't have to do much. I got a couple of cats out of a tree and helped some people here and there. Nothing big." Keigo thought about how the day was oddly peaceful for him. It didn't happen often and when it did he'd get a call in the middle of the night after his patrol to help with a villain.

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