Start from the beginning

Your father was Monarch, mon chere. I didn't mean for you to be hurt. I thought I was keeping you safe...


That's not true, Adrien. I've always loved you. I loved you from the very day you gave me your umbrella. I fell for you again when you stretched out your hand for me the night we.... I lost all the miraculous. I fell for both sides of you.....

I love you mon Chanton.

And I miss you.


"Gah!" I jump from the chair next to the lunch table as I see Alya staring at me concerned.

"Girl are you okay?" she asks.

"I'm fine, Alya. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask a bit too breezily.

"Because you are crying."

That's when I realize that my face is stained with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Is it because of Adrien?" she asks as I nod while she pulls me into a hug.

"Come on, girl! You need to pull yourself together. Adrien's just mad right now. He'll come around, trust me!" she whispers into my ear.

"But... but I treated him so badly. I lied to him about his father. I made him think he was a hero," I choked out.

"You were just doing what you had to do. You tried to save him from the emotional stress. Besides, he would've known sooner or later," Alya said.

She reached into her bad and brought out a tissue which I gladly took to dab my eyes dry.


We see Marc coming nervously to us. He did a half wave and we waved back.

"Ms. Candice said I should call you to her office. She wants to talk to you," he says before leaving.

"Why would she be calling me?" I wondered aloud.

"I don't know.... should I come with you?" Alya asks.

"Nah, I'll be good. Besides you need to eat your lunch as well. I've lost my appetite," I said before I stood up and went to the class. I met her grading a few papers as I stood in frontof her.

"Marinette," she says, looking worriedly at me. "Are you okay?"

What's with everyone asking me this today?

"I'm fine, miss. You sent for me?"

"Yes, because I know you aren't fine," she paused before she continued. "Your mother called me. She said you had some issues with Adrien and that you weren't emotionally stable to take the exam. I would've allowed you to take it when you were better, but I couldn't get a hold of you."

Mama why???

"I'm perfectly fine miss. And I'm sure I did well on the test."

She sighed as she picked my test sheet.

"Question 37: Describe the character of the beast in the novel, 'Beauty and the Beast'," she said. "You're answer was Adrien. Just like all your other answers in the fifty questions I gave you."

Did I really write that.

Dang, I'm failing this exam.

"Marinette it's fine," she said. "I spoke to Principal Damocles, and he said he'd give you today and next tomorrow to rest and that you'd take all your missed exams next week. Is that fine by you, Marinette?"

Before I could answer, I heard a loud scream.

"Must be an akuma. I have to make sure everyone gets to safety. Stay here, Marinette," and with that she took off.

"Tikki, Spots on!" I yelled as I felt the magic spandex cover my body. I swung my yoyo and fly through the window. I swing to the source of the commotion and saw a clown-like person making people cry.

"Please don't tell me it's..."

"...Harry, the comedian. Yes, he's been turned into Psycomedian again."

I saw the cat-themed superhero beside me. He didn't bother to even glance at me.

"The akuma is on his red nose, just like last time. I'll do the fighting, while you try not to get angry and capture the akuma," he says but before he jumps off, I grab his tail.

"Chat Noir, don't be like this. Let's do this together."

"Why? So you'd get angry again? Or so you'd lie to me about who the new HawkMoth is? Will it be Nathalie this time?"

"Adrien, don't be like this..."

"Whatever I'd be like isn't your concern. Besides, don't you have separate battles to fight," Chat said rolling his eyes.

"Guys, focus!"

I then saw Argos standing between the two of us.

"I'll create a sentimonster just like Ladybug to fight the akuma. Ladybug will grab the object and give it to Chat Noir, who'll cataclysm it. Giving us the victory and more time for both of you to sort out whatever argument you're having."

"Fine," I say, summoning my Lucky Charm and getting a replica of my earrings.

"Okay, this would be the miraculous," I say as Argos creates Senti-me.

"Hello,Sentibug. I am your friend, Argos. I need you to help us deceive this villain to think you are Ladybug. Take these earrings," he says, taking the earrings and giving it to the sentimonster. It would make you look more realistic."

The sentimonster jumps down and starts fighting Psycomedian. Everything goes to planfro there, and we succeed.

"Pound it?" I say to Chat Noir, trying to lighten the mood, but he just jumps away.

"What's his probem?" Argos asks as I sigh

"I messed up."

Miraculous Ladybug Season 6Where stories live. Discover now