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Lila's POV

"Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Today is the one-year anniversary of the appearance of our heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir! The mayor has declared a public holiday today in honour of those who showed up in the face of danger and helped in the battle to defeat Monarch! Clara Contard is on the scene."

"The streets are busy and the city hall is even busier! Parades and march pasts will begin at noon to celebrate Ladybug and Chat Noir's service to the people of Paris. Shops are giving out Ladybug and Chat Noir masks to kids as well as adults, who hae come to show their support for our beloved heroes. Everyone is most eager to hear from the two superheroes as they'll be giving a speech to the public. Mayor Bustier as well as the head of police, Officer Roger Raincomprix, will be giving speeches as well on the importance of these two in the fight for safety and peace in Paris. Back to you, Nadja."

"Thank you, Clara! We'll take a short commercial break, stay tuned for more updates!"

"Do you have constant foot odour? Do your feet-"

Ugh. Nothing irks me more than a foot fungus cream ad.

Anyways, it is time to wreak havoc on the city of Paris! What better way to start this whole charade than on the day they celebrate their proclaimed victory?

"Mistress, I beg you to reconsider. You do not need the Ladybug and Chat Noir miraculous! The miraculous are meant for the greater good, not to perpetuate evil. Please..."

"Shut it you rat! And if you ever talk when you're not asked to, I will not feed you and make you existence a living hell. Do you understand?"



"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Nooroo, dark wings rise!"

Now transformed several seconds later, I begin to sense for negative emotions which proves hard due to today's occasion.

Mommy, can I have a Ladybug balloon?

Get an ice cream with your soulmate!

Stay peachy!

Papa, I need help carrying these presents.

No! Give me another chance! I'll do better, I promise!


I get hold of a butterfly and I fill it with negative energy. I open my hands to look at my masterpiece. My first akuma.

"Fly, my akuma! And get him to worship me!"

Eh, not my best. But I'll get there eventually.

My akuma reaches a boy with a blue parade hat, white shirt and matching suspenders. Ew, even I wouldn't want to be a part of that.

But for all that its worth, I akumatize him.

"Stampede," I coo.


"Ew, no. Don't associate me with that lowlife. I am Lady Papillon. Why beg to be a part of a parade that clearly cannot see your talent; instead of forming your own parade with whoever you want? Let me help you. There's only a small price for you to pay."

I then feel his submission as my connection with and power over him gets stronger.

Let the games begin.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 6Where stories live. Discover now