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Two weeks later.........

Mari's POV

With the days passing by, the fight against Lady Papillon has become harder. Each villain is more complicated than the last, and that really takes a drain my social life.

Patrols have become more flexible, thanks to the schedule I created. Everyone is performing their duties efficiently and the crime rate generally has dropped significantly.

In school, we've had different classes and projects which I try my best to put my all in. After all, getting an internship over the summer can improve my chances into the university as well as a scholarship programme, which would lighten the burden of my parents.

With the lunch bell being rang, I walk out of my French Literature class with Alya, Nino and Iris, who sparked up a conversation. Apparently, we've been hanging out with her, majorly due to Alya's persuation. However, I still couldn't shake off the bad aura I was getting from her.

"Oh look, Adrien!" I call out, waving.

Across the hallway, my boyfriend stops talking to Max whom we was walking with, fist bumps him and walks away.

"Hey Marinette!" he says, pecking my cheek before turning to the others. "Alya, Nino, Iris," he greets.

"How are you Adrien?" the new girl says, laying her hands on Adrien's shoulders while getting too close for comfort, making me clear my throat.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Marinette. I hope I'm not fifth wheeling or anything?" she says, putting her hands up in defence.

"Don't mind Marinette," Alya says, laughing. "She's just protective of Adrien. You don't know how long it took her before she got her boyfriend."

I just roll my eyes and grab onto Adrien's hand.

"So how was Physics?" I inquired.

"Physics was great! We got back our quiz results, and apparently I beat Max!" Adrien beams

Nino instantly spits out the water he was drinking.

"Hold up dude! You mean, you beat tech-savvy Max Kante at a Physics pop quiz?! He never lets anyone beat him at anything!"

"Well, there's a first time for everything. Apparently, he miscalculated a question, so he got 96 while I got a 100," Adrien girns.

"I'm so happy for you Adrien!" I say, hugging him.

"Oh no, I bet Max is gonna be so upset! I hope he won't get akumatised," Iris wonders aloud. "I'll have to go home, quick!"

"Don't worry yourself Iris," Alya laughs. "Max isn't a sore loser, neither is he a perfectionist. Knowing him and from what I saw with Adrien earlier, he's bound to come around. Tell you what, you should come sit with us! It's good talking with you! If you guys don't mind that is," she asks, turning to us.

No one raises an objection.

"That's sweet, but my mother doesn't like me having my lunch break at school. She'd rather have me eat my lunch at home than here. Besides, I'd prefer her homecooked meals anyways," the girl says before excusing herself to leave.

"Okay...?" Alya wondered aloud

That girl was beyond sus.

The rest of us walk to the cafeteria where we see Ivan and Alix laughing at Kim who looks quite pissed off. He walks out, stomping angrily. "Stupid GPA," he mutters.

"What's going on?" Nino asks.

"Apparently, Kim got so comfy with his GPA that he dropped so low to below the 3-point mark," laughed Alix.

"Really? How do you know?" I asked, confused.

"Didn't you see the new GPA rankings?" Ivan asked.

"No..... that's weird, I'm always the first one to get it.... Oh, there it is!" she said before clicking a button on her phone. Suddenly her smile fades.

"What's up?" I ask curiously.

"Should I be happy about an improvement in my GPA or I should be terrified that I went down in my class ranking?"

"You what?!" I exclaim, surprised.

She sighs and shows me the file.

Bi-Weekly Result Placement for Grade 10

1st- Max Kante: 4.94

2nd- Adrien Agreste: 4.71

3rd- Marinette Dupain-Cheng: 4.47

4th- Iris Verdi: 4.21

5th- Sabrina Raincomprixx: 4.02

6th- Alya Cesaire: 3.98

7th- Alix Kudbel: 3.87

8th- Nino Lahiffe: 3.85

9th- Rose Lavillant: 3.75

10th- Nathaniel Kurtzberg: 3.67

11th- Juleka Coffaine: 3.66

12th-Mylene Harprelle: 3.55

13th- Ivan Bruel: 3.43

14th-Kim Le Chien: 2.96

"Wow, people really improved," I comment, surprised. "But hey! At least you improved right? You're almost at a 4-point GPA!" I say, excitedly for her.

"Yeah, yeah," she mumbles, clearly unamused.

I look round and see Adrien and Nino looking at the results before we sit at our usual lunch table. "Would you be a loving boyfriend and be third for once," I ask sweetly.

"You've got to fight for it, Marinette," Adrien replies, chuckling. "But hey, you're GPA's coming up right?"

"Everyone's GPA is, model boy," Nino says. "My parents would be impressed. From 3.64 to 3.85. It's like everyone's working hard for that internship Mayor Bustier promised, if not I would've ranked like 4th right now.

"Who even took my spot?" Alya inquired, opening her phone to look at the ranks again. "Iris?"

"The new girl? Wow, she's smart," Nino chuckles, earning a glare from Alya. "I still love you, babe"

"How is Max even keeping his GPA up is what I'd want to know," Adrien seethes, glaring at the boy across the room. "Bro has a consistent 4.94! How does he do it?"

"I have no idea," Alya groans.

Soon enough the topic changes and we begin discussing the recent akuma attacks lately.

"So I'm sure Rena Rouge was excited to be part of the action yesterday," I chuckle to Alya

"OMG YESSSSSSS!" Alya squeals while Nino laughs

"But I'm still concerned about how Chat Noir and Ladybug are gonna keep up with the recent akuma fights," Adrien notes worriedly. "They're getting much more complex."

"Very true, my dude. And yet while it seems Ladybug's lucky charms get more vague, the end result is fantastic. How does she even come up with stuff like that?"Nino wonders aloud.

"Don't worry, she's something special," Alya says, secretly winking at me .

Soon before classes resume, a voice is heard over the tannoy.

Students, this is Principal Damocles speaking. As you all know, tomorrow is the beginning of what we've all been waiting for. Student Council elections will begin tomorrow during the lunch breaks until Thursday for our aspiring Student Body presidents as well as other posts! The results of the election would be announced during the lunch break in the main hall on Friday and the new president would resume office on Monday next week. Goodluck to everyone running!

"Luka's competing," I tell them. "We're gonna support him right?"

"Sure, Marinette!" Alya replies. "I'm way ahead of you! I already created a section in bog for him! Highlighting all his good qualities, deeds, and more about him! If he's not gonna win I don't know who will!"

"Yeah, I think Luka's gonna win!" I say excitedly.

I really hope he does.

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