61. Only 2

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I get out on Tenux. This seems to be a fairly evolved planet. And I would guess I'm right in the middle of a big city. I leave the landing area with the hood over my head and my bag on my back. Not exactly sure where I'm going but I can walk around a bit.

Hours later I find my way out of the city. To be honest, I don't know if I'll ever find my way back. I don't know if I want to. The city was loud but the country is so quiet. I bet I could find a place out here somewhere. Raise our son like we planned.

A couple hours later, I sit under a tree and eat some of my food. My baby is hungry. I drink some blood and get cleaned up. Then a car pulls up beside me. "You ok? You want a ride? I'm going to Jaxon. I can give you a ride."

I look further down the road and nod. I've been walking for hours and haven't seen anything. An inn would be nice. "Thank you sir. My feet are needing a break."

"What are you running from?"

"I'm only trying to find my home. Maybe it's out here somewhere."

"Family is what makes a home. Where is your family?"

"He was killed."

"I'm sorry."

I fight the tears and stare out the window. 

He drives for 2 hours. Never saying a word. Letting me watch out the window. Then we come up to a big building. Maybe a school. It's big.

"Is this an inn?"

"No. It's something else. I think maybe this is where you need to be. Take your time here. They can help."

I get out. Not even knowing where I am. Not like I knew where I was before though. I open the front door alone as he drives off. I think about walking some more. This isn't an inn.

I must stand in the doorway to long. "Welcome please come in."

My head whips around and I stare at the lady whose smiling at me. I shake my head and step all the way out. I let the door close then I sit on the steps. I put my head in my hands and cry. I'm so tired. 

Another lady sits beside me, "Are you lost?"

"I've been lost for a very long time."

"Well you're found now. Come inside. Get something to eat and sleep for the night."

Maybe this is an inn. "How much for a night?"

"No cost. Just a hot meal and some sleep. We can talk when you're ready."

I wipe the tears off my face under the hood, "That sounds perfect."

She leads me inside and takes me to a room. It's a small room. A bed and bedside table. Then a table with 1 chair for eating. A small fireplace is on the exterior wall. There's a book on the mantle. 

"Have a seat at the table. Your food will be right in."

"Thank you." I sit down as she leaves.

Another lady comes in and sits a plate in front of me. It's a meaty saucy pasta mixture. "Thank you."

"My pleasure. No one else will disturb you tonight. You can sleep."

I wipe the tears off my face and try to say thank you. Not much comes out though. After she leaves I take the cloak off and hang it up. Then I eat my food and lay down. I dream of Uhmok all night. His smile. His skin. His touch. I know I'm missing him bad. All of my dreams end with him dying though. It feels like my heart breaks over and over. I wake up so many times sobbing into the pillow. What I wouldn't give for 1 more day with him. 

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