Chapter Twelve:

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Scorching the blood in my vampire heart.


Jackie slowly opened her eyes and found herself laying in a hospital bed, once again a living human being. She glanced over at the I.V. in her arm before voices outside her door caught her attention:

"She's probably waking up now; let's check on her," a female voice said, most likely a nurse, before asking, "How did we manage to get her here in time before the pills killed her?"

"Phone call," a male voice, the doctor, replied. "But it's strange...she was home alone. No one knows who called 911."

Just as she heard that, Jackie caught a flash of movement from the corner of her eye and, looking over to her left, she spotted Jack in the corner of the room smiling. With both bright and teary eyes she smiled back and gave him a little wave, Jack immediately returning it before fading away...

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