Chapter Nine:

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When all fears came alive and entombed me...


"I need to go," Jack whispered in Jackie's ear as the cold touch of his finger traveled from her shoulder down her arm.

"What?" Jackie whispered as she continued to stare, misty-eyed, at Bobby's lifeless body while Ethel began crying with the sisters.

"I'm going to meet him on the other side," Jack explained. "I'll be back. I'm NOT leaving you."

Jackie nodded as she felt his cold air leave the room just as Ethel pulled her into the sobbing group, "Oh, Jackie..."

Bobby slowly opened his eyes and found himself standing in the middle of a large, dark hallway with a bright light at the end of it. Becoming drawn in by the light, Bobby began to walk toward it like a moth to a flame when he suddenly heard Jack's voice behind him, "Bobby! Wait!"

Turning around, he saw his brother running up to him and Bobby began to tremble, "I really am dead, aren't I?"

Jack stopped in front of him and hugged him, "I'm sorry, Bobby."

"Ethel...the kids...she's pregnant, Jack!" Bobby began to cry as he held onto his brother.

Jack nodded as tears filled his eyes, "I know...I know..."

"Teach me how to come back, Jack!" Bobby shouted suddenly as he pulled away form his brother.

"What?" Jack replied confused.

"You came back to Jackie! Show me how to go back to Ethel!" Bobby cried.

"'s not as easy as that...," Jack began, but he was cut off.

"What are you talking about, Jack!?" Bobby practically screamed. "I can't die yet! She can't raise all our kids alone!"

"My ability to return to earth in my actual body and not just my spirit was given to me as a gift!" Jack shouted back gently, trying to get his brother to understand. "You may have better luck with managing your spirit energy to make yourself visible and communicate with her, but that's not the same as what I can do..."

"Why you!?" Bobby spat. "Why are you the one granted this!? You always get everything!" Bobby lunged at his brother then, tackling him to the black ground.

"I'm going back to her," Bobby growled, his face inches from Jack's. "With or without your help."

With that said, Bobby got off him and took off into the darkness.

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