Chapter Six:

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Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me

Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart


~Author's Note~

First of all, I want to thank all of the darling people who are reading my humble, little Kennedy fic. Your votes and comments mean everything to me. I just wanna say that the rating for this fic has changed to M. And when I say M, I mean M. I don't know how old some of my lovely readers are, so I'll try to be subtle and go a little easy on you guys because I don't exactly want to violate anyone. But if this is your first M-rated fic...well...I gotta tell ya...thank-you for riding the Raven Express. Alright, enough of my babbling, this is a pretty long chapter and you'll want all the time you can get. Enjoy! :)


"So everything's going alright, Darling?" Jackie asked Caroline over the phone as she sat on her living room sofa.

Caroline and John Jr. were at Hyannis Port for the weekend with the rest of the Kennedy family. Jackie stayed and chatted for a little while but returned later that night to her apartment, leaving her two children to continue their weekend with their family. She didn't want to drag them back with her and spoil their fun just because she still wasn't feeling up to social life.

"Everything's great, Mommy!" Caroline replied with a cheerful voice, making Jackie smile softly. "Bobby took us sailing and he let me water ski! Thank-you so much for teaching me, Mommy."

"You're welcome, Caroline. Is your brother around?"

"No, he just went to sleep," Caroline answered.

Jackie's eyes darted to her wall clock; it was 10:20. "Well, if he asks, tell him I called and that I love him. And I love you too, Caroline," Jackie replied lovingly.

"I love you too," Caroline smiled on the other end.

"It's late; you better get off to bed now."

"Alright," Caroline answered with a yawn. "Goodnight, Mommy."

"Goodnight, Caroline; hugs and kisses."

"Thank-you, Mommy," Caroline said before hanging up the phone.

Jackie let out a sigh as she placed the phone back on it's base and stood up with a stretch. 'Today was a good day,' she thought to herself as she turned off the living room light and headed down the hall to her bedroom. 'I didn't have too many issues...YET,' a darker part of her mind snarled.

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