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As the rest of the school filed out of the hall, Calum watched as Abi looked around the thousands of faces searching for his. He leaned against the back wall and watched her as she packed away her guitar in the case. As the last person stepped out, Abi sighed and stepped towards the door.

"Great song, that." Abi spun around at the familiar voice and Calum chuckled. "I mean, the lyrics really were fantastic."


"Why'd you wait so long?"

"What?" She asked him, brows furrowed.

"Why did you wait so long to tell me. I have a girlfriend now." Abi winced.

"I just, I just thought-"

"That I'd wait for you."

"That if your love was true, it would never really leave. Even if it's been fifty years, true love never fades, or heals. True love just gets plastered over, forgotten. Never does it go."

I've Got This Friend / cthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن