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"Is there anything else you'll tell me, Cal?" She asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Baby, you've been talking to him nearly every day." She nodded in response. He had called her baby since the day they met.

"He really likes all the games that you play." Calum told her. She giggled- she was a renowned female player throughout the school. Everyone knew Abi Matthews.

"So why are you telling me this? Isn't it, like, breaking the bro code or something?" She asked.

Calum thought quickly. "Uh, he told me to tell you to see what you say, y'know, before he jumps in and he asks for that date."

"'Cause I've got this friend who's, like, crazy about you. I've got this friend who swears blind he can't live without you."

He was terrified of how she'd react so he simply added I've got this friend and I wish I could see how this would end if you knew it was me in his head.

I've Got This Friend / cthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن