--Waterswept--[Call of Sirens]

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Chapter One: Depth
The sound of crashing blue waves echoed through my ears, and as she closed her eyes it felt as though she was in another world completely. She needed no man, but at that moment it would've been nice to share with another being at her side.  Howling wind twisted along the spires and pillars of rock, catching in holes and staying in caves. How perfectly ordinary to the average person, but how fascinating to a girl like Ivory Blanche. Her hair was bleached almost pure-white, and dangled down to her knees. Her entire life seemed transfixed on her appearance, from her makeup to clothes it was all in order. All aesthetically pleasing and perfect.
Ivory was never one to shelter her wealth, but she never expressed it either. From a distance you wouldn't realize, until going closer and noticing her designer bags and diamond jewelry you'd think she'd be a commoner. However, she was far from being an ordinary human.
Light glittered against the dappled shoreline, a lighthouse eerily admitting. The sun fell and still she stood, preparing for something great to happen. A full-moon rose, and it seemed so close she could almost touch it. Blanche lifted her hand almost ready to touch it, when water lapped at her feet. Sighing, she gave in, her legs transforming in a whirl of white and blue into a scaly but slender tail. She fell gracefully into the salty h2o, the cold of it welcoming and not even sending the slightest of shivers. With one kick she was gathering momentum, and with just two more she became a torpedo. A vacuum trailed behind her as Ivory swam, her slim milky tail reflecting the light of the grand celestial object that encircled Earth. She was returning home after a long while, her journey of freedom coming to an end at last. Still, it hurt to know she was going where she meant nothing, and reality was becoming all too real.
Down, down, down she went into the murky depths.

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