"Endure" ||World of the Freaks||

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Authors Note:

Unlike some of my other books, I am planning on someday getting this published. Please do not use this book or any of the writing within in for yourself. If you wish to use an idea/concept please DM me and we can work something out. <3

Nontheless, I hope you enjoy it now that my Dsmp era is over!

Chapter One:

"Ok, the second part of your yearly health check will start soon. Please wait here with the other two," The kind new school nurse said. That was a little odd, thought Sadiie. She didn't know there was a part two of the school appointment. Hopefully there wouldn't be any needles or anything that hurt.

A ninth-grader named Enrique Armister and his little sister, Sarah Armister sat across from Sadiie patiently waiting. The door suddenly clicked, and Sadiie O'Riley suddenly became claustrophobic. She walked over, and sure enough, it was locked.

"I think you locked it," The 14-year-old said from behind the door. When nobody responded she continued a bit louder, "Can somebody over there open the door?" Now the vent was clicking, an uneasy feeling rising over her. Grabbing the door she tried to tear it open as a strange smell wafted down. All of a sudden it felt like thorns were jabbing her brain. Crying out in pain, Sadiie collapsed onto the floor while the little girl screamed for her mother. Enrique shouted for help, crawling towards the door while still holding his sister's hand.

But all was fruitless as darkness encapsulated them.

Sadiie tried to open her eyes wearily as the truck sped along. Sadiie's head was pounding, her heart hammering, and her hands encased in a concrete-like substance so that she was left completely immobilized. Anger bubbled inside her and she used the last of her remaining energy to try to thrash and escape. Kicking her legs against a metal bar, a loud noise echoed from it.

"HEY!" Shouted the driver, "Be quiet back there." Sadiie tried to open her mouth and yell back, but Sadiie realized that it was taped shut. Beside her there were about twenty others, all ranging from the ages six to sixteen in the same condition. Pleading, begging eyes from the younger ones, and determined, furious eyes from the teens. Who would do something like this to somebody, let alone first-graders. Enrique sat next to his sister, Sarah's doe-brown eyes saying it all.

Sadiie's eyes were still struggling to open, whatever drug they'd injected was exhausting her and depleting her spirit. There were no windows in the back of this... bus, van, truck? It didn't matter. The ninth-grader had no idea how long they'd been driving for when they finally came to a halt. Outside Sadiie could make out some firm voices, a few scared ones, and eventually the walking of people in a hurry. The back door swung open, and Sadiie shielded her eyes from the seemingly blinding light.

"Let's go." A gruff, tall security guard grabbed a child no more than eight and shoved him stumbling into the dirt. He roughly snatched and dragged another, then another, until finally the children began getting the gist of it and raggedly walking out themselves. The weather was pleasant for such a nightmarish experience, but Sadiie's tongue was still dry. The brunette looked around her surroundings, there were five other trucks and two more driving up. In the distance Sadiie could spot at least another three trucks too. How many of us were there?

After about an hour of standing around, unallowed to sit, her group of twenty finally began trudging further into the desert. The sun had risen higher, and it was not hot. Sadiie was becoming desperate for water, but had no way to ask or even imply. Her teenage self couldn't handle all this, all this terrible confusion. "Where are we going? What were they going to do to us?" Were just some of the things crossing her mind. "And why, oh why are my parents not coming to save me?"

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